She wants @sidharth_shukla to take stand against those who have been supporting him wholeheartedly, giving their best in trends, promoting the song on different platforms.

For whom/which party benefits, shippers who hardly did 2-3 tweets in Sidharth's project related trend +
who have been morphing his co-actor's pictures, insulting her badly, who have been doing their gandh and fantasies in Sidharth's recent insta post, in replies under producer's tweet, who always keep their ship & fantasies n that person in ship above Sidharth and Sid's interests+
I'm sorry @sidharth_shukla, but if you like this thread which is selectively targeting people from our side while ignoring the abuses, age shaming, character assassination etc that shehnaazians do of you on daily basis, I WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU!! KEEP THESE MIXTURES AND BE HAPPY +

This person @raji_aujla who has written this thread to instigate FD wars n demotivate Sidhearts righr before ur project has done EXACTLY 1 TWEET IN OUR YESTERDAY'S TREND FOR YOUR PROJECT, YES EXACTLY 1. Basically formality, if I'm to b honest+
@sidharth_shukla She is selectively targeting some of the dedicated sidhearts who don't like Shehnaaz for obvious reasons, but she hasn't written any letter/thread for Shehnaaz targeting those shehnaazians who regularly spew hatred n venom against you.

I'm so done!!!!
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