The journey from covid lockdown in Melbourne to mandatory self-isolation in Sydney.

For all those clever folk who are following along from the comfort of their lovely homes and not crazy enough to be flying interstate right now.

A thread.
1/ 10am Sunday. Empty motorways.

As we approach the airport, they indicate to stop our vehicle - do we want the drive-through covid testing facility or the domestic departures terminal?

To their surprise, we choose the airport.

To our surprise, the airport parking is free.
2/ Tullamarine is empty. There appears to be about four flights scheduled for departure from this terminal for the rest of the day, including mine.

Cue socially distanced check in.
3/ Approaching a coffee shop, the barista’s eyes light up. He eagerly jumps forward to the counter and practically yells ‘does someone want coffee!?’

‘Slow day mate?’ I ask.

We are the only customers in the past 30mins. On a Sunday morning. For coffee. IN MELBOURNE.
4/ Security. Initial document check (passport, border permit). Forehead temperature check & symptom questions. More thorough document check by people in hi-vis ‘HEALTH’ vests (passport, border permit, employment contract).

Full body scan & pat down at security (bored much?).
5/ I run to the plane due to the above delays.

Many lovely planes sit empty and lonely on the cold tarmac as I pass by.
6/ At the gate, most passengers wear masks, some better than others.

We pick up a "Fly Well Pack" – a mask & some hand sanitiser doubling as surface wipe. It’s a nice touch.

The plane is about one third full. Maybe less. It’s still difficult to socially distance.
7/ No masks on the crew.

Performing a safety demonstration in the absence of a mask seems somewhat futile – I’m pretty sure covid has killed more people than plane crashes this year.

Told to put my phone in flight mode (it is); I resist the urge to offer the attendant a mask.
8/ It’s a beautiful day but I don’t want to be here. After months in London, 10 days with my SO was wonderful & insufficient. We have no idea when we will meet again; it is subject to the whims of two state governments & their ever-changing policies. Best not to think about it.
9/ After 58 minutes I land in my new hometown, to the dulcet tones of a fussy baby yelling her heart out from across the aisle. I’m hearing ya baby, this sucks. Who knows what fresh nonsense awaits us in the Sydney arrivals terminal!?

As expected, shambles.
10/ There’s a line as soon as we disembark, preventing the rest of the plane from disembarking. Great design.

Everyone has a paper form but no one has a pen. Solid plan.

They find pens & tell people to share them. And socially distance. Genius!
11/ Everyone stands around in the tunnel leading from the plane to the terminal. Fills in their forms. Waits. The wifi doesn’t work. People push in front of me in the queue with apparently no remorse.

20 mins.. still not in the airport.. wait.

30 mins.. still nothing.. wait.
12/ I HAVE MADE IT INTO THE airport!!

Disconcertingly there are police everywhere. Why?

I overhear a woman commenting that it feels like a scene out of The Handmaid’s Tale.

Forehead temperature check, symptom check, ongoing address check. Wait.
13/ Some guy checks my form. Passport. Proof of ongoing address. Border permit.

More waiting. No bathrooms.

Almost an hour after I have disembarked I make it to another person. Form. Passport. Permit. Ongoing address.

I ask why we are doing the exact same thing AGAIN.
14/ She says “so we can be sure it’s done right”.

She places a yellow sticker on my hoodie. Evidently I've been a very good girl.

She tells me I won’t be allowed to leave the airport without it.

My tiny badge of freedom.
16/ I run the gauntlet of about ten police officers, all standing about, milling around, doing.. I have no idea what.

I make for the baggage claim.

I think it took longer to leave Sydney Airport than it took to fly to Sydney Airport from another state. I wish I was kidding.
17/ Things are strangely normal in Sydney. Cars are everywhere. People spill out of cafes onto the sidewalks. Gyms are open. It’s T-shirt weather. Groups gather in parks in the sunshine with no social distancing.

No one seems to realise how lucky they are. I’m jealous.
18/ Take homes:

✈️Redundancy doesn’t necessarily make a system better.

✈️If you’re flying, factor in EVERYTHING taking longer. And have the patience of a saint. And a pen. Actually, probably just don’t fly.

✈️Stop treating adults like children.

✈️Appreciate your freedom.
19/ Anyway, I'm off to self isolate for fourteen days now.

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