1/ This ‘official’ research (re. New Starters) begins by taking an average quarter, and splitting this to an average month. Error 1. March is NOT an average month (highest commencement of seasonal contracts) #newstarterjustice #ExcludedUK https://twitter.com/excludeduk/status/1284478765939273729
2/ Error 2. Those affected span far beyond those ‘between jobs’ in one month period. These hard edges are as bad as @RishiSunak’s. Those effected often started an entire month prior and worked probationary periods, the RTI caveat melts the ‘one month’ sample. Most were EMPLOYED.
Error 3. You then (having cited a figure of those BETWEEN JOBS) list several circumstances (already negated as they’re not BETWEEN JOBS) as a justification to HALVE the already huge underestimate. #ExcludedUK why do you refuse to listen to those excluded. #newstarterjustice
Error 4. This does not account for any persons who signed a Contract of Employment to begin works prior to lockdown, which is a vast amount of the 1.6m+ ACTUAL New Starters, who had Employment retracted as a direct result of them being ineligible. #newstarterjustice #ExcludedUK
Error 5 “It depends on what assumptions we want to make”. This attitude is disastrous. There is no “want” in accurate research. How you can claim yours is “the official” (lol?) when it’s not even worthy of a GCSE citation. You are not an authority. #ExcludedUK #newstarterjustice
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