. @epw_in Engage was founded on making academia accessible and on providing windows into sometimes droll text. Between creating visual narratives and curating reading lists, here is some of the work I’ve done during my time there ⬇️
A lot of my work involves stripping down an article to its core concept (i.e. “distilling” it) and making it accessible to everyone. Here, I dived into Jakob de Roover’s article on secularism to examine the failings of modern secular thought. http://bit.ly/2M5zkya 
Amit Bhai once called Bangladeshi migrants “termites.” In fact, the #NRC process to disenfranchise residents in Assam is but a game for the government. One of the most fulfilling projects I’ve done, here’s my snakes-and-ladders guide to citizenship: http://bit.ly/379yZSE 
Using Rustom Bharucha’s piece on the otherisation of Muslims, this feature looks at the many masks and roles that the Indian Muslim is compelled to wear in the public sphere, all in an effort to fit in. http://bit.ly/2VdmbHd 
Almost all of these have been designed by @lalposter, but this distilled deserves special mention. The #AirIndia Maharaja is sinister and unwelcoming if the #CAA declares you to be a foreigner. A brilliant example of text and visual working in harmony. https://bit.ly/2WxVxI4 
Reading Lists are my bread and butter. I look at current events, deep-dive into EPW’s archives, and create a sociohistorical narrative of the issue at hand. Here’s a quick peek ⬇️
Given the recent #IndoChina border shenanigans, here’s a timely reminder of why our nationalist rhetoric is futile. India’s aspirations of being a regional power are unlikely to be fulfilled without a coherent policy towards territorial disputes. http://bit.ly/2SWhNtE 
Back in March (eons ago, I know), I looked at disease-fighting in the modern era and realised that we were pretty much screwed. The West continues to dominate medicine supply chains, and I guarantee you that they will be the first to receive a vaccine. http://bit.ly/39fhHnT 
Here, I channeled my anger at the pro-Israel lobby in the US and at the Trump-Netanyahu bonhomie into a list in which I picked apart the illegal annexation of the West Bank and the Zionist agenda to erase Palestine from the world map. http://bit.ly/39GMn1y 
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