Dear EduTwitter,
Can we go back to the part of lockdown where there was loads of lovely subject specific chat and CPD loveliness. And remember:
1) it’s your timeline: curate it. You don’t need to engage with rude, personal attacks, block or mute. Engage with people who...1/4
challenge you without rudeness.
2) one of the beautiful things about Twitter is that it isn’t real. I’ve seen people saying they feel like they can’t join in conversations because they’re too ‘small’. I could never do this in person but on here I just dive in. Something to say 2
say it.
3) all schools are different. All have their own challenges. People don’t have it easy; they have it different. You can’t make assumptions based on the type of school. Don’t agree with a type of school? Fine but don’t make it personal 3/4
4) be silly and frivolous sometimes. It’s meant to be fun.
5) and finally, trite though it is, in a world where you can be anything be nice. That doesn’t mean you always agree with everything but it does mean that being polite helps. 4/4
You can follow @mrs_denglish.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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