Let me really spell it out for you. Let me tell you the questions that you, as a journalist, needed to ask.
When Sabeen and Shabahat were pushing me to write against Tania's conflict of interest, I asked myself: What's in it for them? Why are they doing it? Whats going on here? https://twitter.com/worqas/status/1284741501810085890
So what's the bigger story here? Tania's conflict of interest? Sure thats a story. But i checked and Tania's team were literally telling about it on webinars, weren't hiding it. There wasn't any real wrongdoing - yet.
So, why were these two groups fighting?
One group was supported by JKT and the other group was supported by Ali Zaidi. When JKT went away, Ali Zaidi started a malicious campaign against JKT. On the other hand Shabahat & co did this against Tania. I was on to Tania's NGO even before these ppl started pushing me.
But this urgency, the way Sabeen and Shabahat wanted me to do the story ASAP. Even when i told her i was waiting for some crucial info. She made the mistake of thinking i was someone "on her side". Im on nobodys side. When i delayed the story, she took all info and gave it to
Omar Quershi. Including info i had shared with her. Omar didnt ask the basic questions. He did not ask WHY he had a story land in his lap. He did not try to uncover what was actually going on.
What is going on is that ALL of these actors are guilty. Each and every one of them.
They ALL are in it for the lucrative million dollar digitization projects. They ALL have their patrons. Issue is, due to their inability to forge a way to work and do corruption together like PPP, they are getting in each other's way.
This is the complete picture, the real story.
This is what Omar Qureshi was doing instead. Milking the story that he did NOT work on for self-glorification without actually trying to understand whats actually going on. By doing this, he ruined the main story too. This is how partisan, low IQ, selfish dolts work here.
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