It's a bit weird to listen to Joey's mindset. If you are a female, and you like his posts, talk to him, communicate positively to him, you are a potential person to sleep with. There is no being nice with Joey. Nice means you want to fuck. And he might spring his dick on you.
In his world, in which he is regularly sleeping with different women in every city, he has a slot available for that night. If you are someone in that city, and you are "nice" to him, you are an option for that night. I don't live in that world, so it's difficult to comprehend.
He is legal with it, but that's the only limit. 18 or 30, he doesn't care. You are just an object to fill his slot to sleep with that night. You as a person are fairly irrelevant to this.
He believes it's irrelevant if you work for him. At my job, and most jobs I know, he would have been fired for even one of the allegations for his actions that he openly admits to. His version of events, would have him fired.
Definitions... To Joey, he is using his position of power to sleep with you, only if he were to actively use it against you to other people. If he wouldn't book you if you said no. At my job, that isn't the definition, and holds no weight whatsoever.
At my job, what matters is if you could. And in that case, in every single scenario, he is in the wrong, and would be fired, because he wields power over others even if he doesn't use it. That power is one of the angles which he gets people to sleep with him.
Joey doesn't understand this. If wrestling was a normal endeavor treated like every other job, if you are a promoter you are FORBIDDEN from sleeping with the talent. To Joey, you can TRY to sleep with every single talent, and they are allowed to tell you no.
This would be like a corporate boss who oversees 500 people, of which 250 women, would say, well, I'm allowed to try to sleep with all 250. And if they say no, I will respect it. But I can persue them, pressure them, as hard as I want to. For Joey, this is normal life.
Joey sees himself as a stand up guy for respecting no, completely ignoring the power dynamic and it's inherent issue. Women are rightfully speaking out about this. His response? Well, you seemed happy fucking me when you said Happy Birthday to me a year later.
So that's clear, there's no ambiguity. Joey thinks women are objects to fuck, if he hires them or not. If he flys them across country, it's an opportunity to try and fuck. He'll respect a no, but he's going to try.
Joey's entire conception of women is inherently flawed, and what he should have said in his video was admitting that, and getting counseling for this particular issue he has. Not justifying how it's all okay, cause he respects a no.
Joey is a predator, he preys on any female he comes in contact with that shows him any type of kindness. He sees kindness mean "I want to fuck you" so much in his life, that he sees all kindness as I want to fuck you. Even when it's not true.
Joey is deeply fucked up in the head, and needs to sort himself out. He isn't doing that. He's justifying his actions by showing that women were still nice to him after he tried to fuck them, and they didn't want to. He's too deep in the world he's created for himself.
I pity Joey. I believe Joey. I think he's too fucked up to understand how wrong his actions are. He's too far gone in this world of treating women only as sex objects to see that the power dynamic, and his actions are wrong. He needs help.
It's hard to understand him at first. His life is so much different than mine, but in 58 minutes of talking, he expresses his inner self in literal terms. He couldn't have tried to fuck this wrestler, he was busy fucking a fan that night. His justifications are his insanity.
We all know wrestler stories, and sleeping around. But listening to him talk is a deep look into the fucked up human that gets created when you fuck random women all across the country, and persue people to fuck constantly.
There's a realness that cuts through the premise. Hearing Joey explain it, how much of his life is devoted to juggling all the people he's trying to fuck. Just from a human perspective, I wouldn't want to be Joey Ryan. Not morally, just his life seems really empty.
I don't mind if you want to fuck a different person every day, I don't judge your kinks. You can see from Joey that your actions cause a real mental impact towards who you are. There's a cost there. A cost I think is unimaginably high. I'd never want to think of women like that
I think at minimum, Joey has to stop fucking talent he books. End of story. Non-negotiable. No more fucking talent you hire.
That doesn't make Joey a good person, he's got a whole lot of work to do to make that happen, and to fix the brain he's fucked up. But you can't fuck the people you hire. That's flat out wrong, period. It doesn't matter if they say yes or no. Stop fucking talent.
Now I decide if I just delete this all. I don't really want a discussion, I don't want anything, I just listened to 58 minutes of a desperately screwed up human, and I wanted to express my thoughts.
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