I tried to stay neutral during this whole @NexoFinance being @ZeusCapitalLLP debate, but we may have just found the smoking gun, ontop of all the other evidence found

They leaked themselves in the site's typeform source code, screenshots below, I checked it my self

$LINK https://twitter.com/_WhenMoon_/status/1284691375322050566
If case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's some context

A couple days ago, a "asset management firm" firm published a report claiming Chainlink to be fraud

This report was full of complete disinformation with countless falsehoods and lies
They used the Gish Gallop strategy where a tidal wave of misinformation is pushed within a small time period that takes far longer to debunk than it does to write

This report even included a step by step guide for readers on how to leverage short $LINK
However, within the report, in the table contents section, there was a broken hyperlink that lead to a local file directory that leaked a name "Simeon"

Well some anons went digging and found "Simeon Rusanov" Head of Digital Assets Research at @NexoFinance

Timeline of events complied below by anons on biz

Once discovered, Simeon deleted his twitter, linkedin, and mysteriously at the same time the original report was taken down
Nexo had borrowed millions of LINK days prior to this report being published, and in the report it was stated they already had a short position open...

This borrowing of $LINK from @AaveAave is fully viewable and verifiable on-chain https://twitter.com/ChainLinkGod/status/1283170746798202880?s=20
Now onto the newest evidence found, Nexo uses Typeform on their website " https://nexofinance.typeform.com/to/jmAErd "

Well Zeus Capital also has a typeform on their site, when we look at that typeform's source code we find " https://nexofinance.typeform.com/to/fPGAQ8rm "

Now I am not saying this is definitive proof that a Nexo employee shorted $LINK, published a disinformation report, got caught, tried to hide evidence, got caught again....

But the evidence appears to be stacking up and it does not look good for them
It was supposed to be a easy hitjob... guess they didn't realize you don't gaslight the $LINK marines and get away with it unscathed

@ZeusCapitalLLP is now actively trying to hide their tracks, they deleted the typeform link on their website

Too bad for them, it's already too late

You realize this makes you look more guilty right?
Here it is archived forever

It's already been seen by many people and downloaded by me along with what doxed them https://form.typeform.com/to/fPGAQ8rm 
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