1. Are you really ok with 53 days of rioting
2. Are you ok with ANTIFA beating citizens for any reason, at any time, at any where they want?
3. Do you view the citizens of Venezuela who are now living in a communist country and eating out of dumpsters as a heroic and valiant
demonstration of how socialism turned Venezuela into a communist country and is now run by a tyrannical regime??
4. Did you know when you click on BLM’s donation link it brings up the democrats Act Blue donation link?
5. Did you know the democrats give the donation money
collected on behalf of BLM to Thousand Currents charitable organization.
6. Did you know that Susan Rosenberg, a convicted terrorist runs Thousand currents?
7. Did you know that both the Democrats and Thousand Oaks gets to keep a portion of the money?
8. Did you know the
founders, leaders and organizers get the donations?

9. Did you know that not one dime of that money has been given to Black communities?
10. Do you wonder how much money each are lining their pockets with?
The moral of this story is that the one percenters (the Democrats) are using everyone in this chain as their useful idiots.
Should they win which I have strong doubts they won’t, but if they do, the one percenters will drop you like a hot potato because they don’t need you. If and when that happens you too will become their target. Only a handful of the wanna be one percenters will make it into their
cult. The rest will join serfdom with the rest of us. The plan is for the one percenters to run the government and we become their piggy bank. Use your head. Do you personally have enough money to buy your way into the cult? If not, think about where that puts you in the pecking
order. It is not a bright future with your every need fulfilled-oh but it is for their’s.
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