* censored country names due to bots *
1. BACKGROUND: Artsakh ( also known as Nagorno Karabakh) is indigenous native Armenian land that was annexed by Stalin in 1923 to the newly formed soviet Republic of Azerb*ijian , despite having a 95% Armenian population who protested
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Armenians in Artsakh fought for independence and the right to be reunited with Armenia. Azerb*ijian was completely against this and the conflict turned into an all out war with multiple ethnic cleansings & pogroms against Armenians
Since then, Artsakh is considered an autonomous republic, but internationally recognized as Azerb*ijian. The border is unstable and there have been constant ceasefire violations within the last few decades by Azerb*ijian
A GOOD READ: an instagram post from a non armenian , non az*ri, POC anthropologist who works for the UN detailing more history, current conflict, why it matters, and why u should help
if u want more info on the history of this land plz watch this only 13 min video :
2. CURRENTLY: azerb*ijian didn’t sign the ceasefire issued by the UN ( unlike Armenia ) INSTEAD, after initiating skirmishes at the border they’ve escalated to attacking Armenia itself rather than just Artsakh.
A ResearchGate simulation of the radioactive waste that will occur if Azerb*ijian goes through w their plan. THIS IS NOT JUST AN ARMENIA PROBLEM. this is a west asian crisis, a global crisis, a HUMANITARIAN crisis.
3. ANTI-ARMENIAN SENTIMENT Az*ri civilians have gathered to protest FOR WAR, calling “end the quarantine start the war “ and chanting “DEATH TO THE ARMENIAN”


Anti-Armenian propaganda is heavily promoted by both Az*ri and T*rkish govs through ed. Here r PRESCHOOLERS in azerb*ijian being taught that armenians are enemies and terrorists

T*rkey ( who still denies the 1915 genocide ) supplying jihadists
TW/ gore

recently, Az*ri soilders can be seen kicking the body of a dead Armenian soilder. You can clearly hear them shouting “ermeni” ( armenian ) while doing so (also insta thinks it doesn’t violate community guidelines, do w that what u will)
Examples of the Az*ri regime creating propaganda and promoting a revisionist narrative to justify their horrific aggression
t*rkey n azerb*jian ( 146 on the democraxy index ) call themselves “one nation w two states” & r heavily allied w isra*l. billions of dollars and weapons cycle between these three, and the US is allied closely w all for strategic positioning and oil.
escalating violence and threats like this if not checked CAN & WILL LEAD TO A HUGE WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST. iran and russia will be pulled in. indigenous populations will get desecrated in a west asian war fought to preserve the imperialist benefits of these western backed REGIMES
how to alert congress:
julian mcbride, anthropologist, on the conflict : “it is also a case of forgotten history where history was written by the victors over the indigenous peoples of the region” . if we advocate for change in our own backyards, we must do the same for ethinic minorities elsewhere
we can’t stand by & watch a native ppl SUFFER at the hands of stronger govs w a history of ethinic cleansing against them. we can’t let these ppl get caught in the crossfire of a potential destructive war that benefits imperialist regimes and western institutions. pls PLS SPREAD.
another reminder:
Azerb*ijian has refused to cooperate with Armenia to install 3rd party, independent mechanisms to observe the conflict and record ceasefire violations through OSCE, which mandates issues such as arms control & promotion of human rights http://asbarez.com/161114/azerbaijan-blocks-osce-monitors-in-karabakh/
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