44,000 deaths above average for the time period. 14,000 of those are non-COVID. I’d love to see these figures for the whole nation, if not a few countries.
How many extra people are dying from something non-COVID each day we don’t figure this thing out? Or is this just unfortunately displacing when those people die?
...off topic but what about the baby boom? Is it the case that babies were displaced in time, aka the baby boom was preceded by a baby bust? Dubious of this, but would love to see some numbers.
In fact, since it was a draft, one could look at counties that randomly had a disproportionate # of draftees. See if the bust/boom was worse there.
Using cool/weird Social Security records, one can approximate the # of births each year. Green line connects 1941, the year before the war, to 1947, two years after. Births seem to return to trend by '47. This looks like displacement, and not some huge generational shift.
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