The government - not just the Feds, but even state and local - have merrily abused this tech; often flying planes so equipped over entire shopping malls to further build a catalog of Who was Where and When.
There's no information out there explicitly documenting this, but radio signals are radio signals - once they know what phone ID they're looking for you really think they can't point a directional antenna at some geek on the street and wait for the phone to ping again?
For that matter, bi/triangulation of that signal can easily narrow down the geographic area, esp. if drones or a polie chopper is involved using a directional antenna to constrain the listening area.

You really think the Feds don't have this shit? Bitch, please.
I haven't even touched on the big thing - how all this data is then fed to machine-learning algorithms that then build patterns out of it to find the proverbial needle in the haystack.

The leftists whinging about jackboots in the streets don't have a clue about any of this.
In sum, you can tell the lefties whining about "random abductions" are idiots because if they had ANY sincere fear of their own Federal government, they'd know damn well that it's far, FAR scarier if the Feds DO know exactly who they're arresting and where to find them.
This is why conservatives keep saying that Antifa et al are only getting away with their violence because they have tacit approval from powerful people within the system.

You didn't really think a t-shirt over the face was enough to make them immune, did you?
Additional points people are posting that I wanted to mention but omitted for brevity's sake:
This gentlemen has a point; as someone else has already mentioned, the incident of the firebomber who was tracked down with her Etsy shirt illustrates how old fashioned detective work gets the job done quite often, even with modern tools available.
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