Is conventional beef unhealthy? Here's my take on it...⁠

Eating any meat is better than no meat.⁠

100% grass-fed beef does have it's advantages with higher amounts of CLA, vitamin E, omega 3 and other nutrients, but that is not to say conventional beef is unhealthy.⁠
The environmental + ethical reasons are stronger arguments in the case for grass-fed beef. But you can't save the world unless your own health is in check first.
There is a misconception that conventional beef is entirely feedlot fed. The reality is that all beef spends the majority of their life on pasture, and is only transferred to feedlots for the last couple of months.⁠
If grass-fed is in your budget, it is the better all-around option! But there is no shame eating conventional if it is not in your budget.⁠
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