The other day I wrote a thread about the true history of the Civil War, because I can't stand the revisionist bullshit taught by today's progressive teachers and liberal Hollywood. So today i'd like to tell you the truth about something else - Christopher Columbus. . Please read
The left teaches that Columbus was this idiot who got lost on his voyage to Asia, right?. That he missed Japan by about 7,000 miles. . They fail to mention that Columbus was using a map by Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli - one of the worlds most respected cartographers. .
Toscanelli's map showed where he, and everyone else believed Japan to be. On his voyage Columbus hits a series of islands 7,000 miles short of where he was heading. He knew this wasn't "Japan". He believed he had found something new - which he did. .
You see, the map showed no land where Columbus now was. And where he was, was the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies - modern day Haiti/Dominican Republic. . So the whole notion that Columbus was this moronic navigator is simply false.
It's also misleading to say Columbus "murdered" Natives with disease, intentionally giving them Small Pox. not true. See, The Natives didn't have domesticated animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and hadn't built immunity to disease such as cowpox/small pox, chicken pox, swine flus
So the spreading of any disease was obviously unintentional and would've happened regardless of who came in contact with them first - either from Europe or China. It was inevitable. It was not done intentionally. The "small pox blankets" came hundreds years later
Columbus also didn't hate Indians. Quite the contrary. As a matter of fact Columbus even adopted a Native Taino son from an American Indian whom he had befriended, and who had died.
The main document used to smear Columbus as this evil person wasn't even written by him. It was written by Francisco de Bobadilla - his political rival. A judge who had once even had Columbus arrested.
In none of Columbus' own writings did he say anything racist of the Natives he encountered. Said nothing of them being inferior in any way.
Stanford University Professor Carol Delaney once did a great study on Columbus and found him to be a "Friend of the Indians". Wrote about this in her 2011 book: “Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem.”.
In Delaney's book she clearly demonstrates writings of Christopher Columbus, and how they've been obviously misinterpreted, mistranslated, and misquoted for decades. Things that he didn't actually say are used against him in schools, Hollywood, media.
Incredibly most of "his own quotes" used against him come from "his Own journal". Just one problem - The original journal didn't survive. These are transcripts written by Bartolome de las Casas years later, who despite what's been written, did not arrive, nor travel with Columbus
Las Casas was just 22 years old when Columbus died, and he wrote the journals some 30 years later. It's common knowledge that Las Casas paraphrased and completely fabricated parts of the journal. So you see there is really zero actual evidence of Christopher Columbus: The Monster
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