I've always known this learned at an early age but what else needs to be mentioned is what is NOT taught helps #racism thrive.
A older white gentleman said to me he knew about the horrors of slavery and the civil rights movement. But never knew about #tulsa or #rosewood
The things our educational system leaves out of #American history books would explain how sone white #Americans can be so #ignorant when it comes to #truth of systemic #racism
About the brutality black #Americans endured since being brought to these shores.
We will not be silent we have endured too much for too long and lost too many of our brothers and sisters to the #ignorance of #American #racist
Some people would love to return to what they consider the good old days well it won't happen.
We won't take another step back.
We were denied basic human rights denied equal protection under the law. Denied the ability to defend ourselves, but those days are over!
We owe it to those who came before us to finally put an end to this mindset. I advise every black man and black woman to stay armed.
During my conversation with the gentleman he began to understand I watch his eyes tear up because he felt how could he have not known or not seen. The continued racial #injustice but as I told him #Republicans don't want to see it. They want you to remain ignorant and uncaring
After sharing 5 examples of racially #injustice black people have endured I think he understood why in this moment this movement is absolutely needed to make sure that we as a nation & as a people don't go backwards. And we both agreed to get in #goodtrouble
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