Rioting anarchists should be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned. That is the job of local, county and state authorities. The loosing of these Federal Stormtroopers by Trump and his cabal is an act of lawlessness that cannot be tolerated in this country. We will have no secret 1/
police in this country. These agencies have no business operating in American cities in this manner and have no legal authority to snatch anyone, for any reason, at any time and stuff them into unmarked rental vans. We have all watched videos of these Federal thugs attacking 2/
American citizens who posed no threat. No law enforcement agency in this country should be clad in the types of uniforms we are seeing in Portland. Congressional action should be taken to demilitarize these agencies. “Homeland Security” has long been an inappropriate name
for a Federal cabinet agency. The name has always had a dystopian and totalitarian stench. Now this agency has metastasized into something that is dangerous, illiberal and completely out of control. Whatever actual number of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies there may be we should
Have fewer of them. The men we are watching assault the civil liberties of US Citizens are the dregs and the bottom of the proverbial law enforcement barrel. They are an egregious affront to every Peace Officer who wears a badge for the purpose of protecting and serving our
communities. Jack booted thugs is a moniker that suits these Federal “agents”perfectly. We the people must not and cannot stand for this. Not in America. Not now. Not ever
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