1) The Gold Standard is coming.

President Trump took down the photos of these two traitors. According to article, the Bush photo was replaced with President William McKinley, who signed the Gold Standard Act of 1900,
2) I’ve been saying it for several months. We are in the process of doing away with the Federal Reserve, which was run by corrupt people like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. From my understanding, Trump now has taken control of the fed as of several weeks ago.
3) The Clinton portrait was replaced by President Theodore Roosevelt, who succeeded President McKinley.
4) Personally, I would buy as much real gold and silver as one could afford. Since President Trump was elected I’ve seen the price of gold go up around $400 an ounce. I believe it’s going to go much higher. (Disclaimer-I am not a financial expert)

And now this👇🏻😁
I forgot to add this Q post.

Gold shall destroy the Fed.
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