I’ve always felt I wasn’t “womxn” enough bc I have never been petite ,small, or dainty, even at my lowest weight, I’m just not built that way and that’s okay!! I needed this reminder today to be gentle with myself, bodies come in all sizes and shapes regardless of gender ✨
In this caption it also mentions depictions in media +real life: gfs wearing bfs clothes and they’re HUGE on her, sitting on their partners lap, or being easily picked up.
Not fitting that mold really hurt my self esteem growing up and I didn’t realize I was fed this picture of what I “should” be as a partner
As a cis womxn this has been a life long struggle and I can only IMAGINE the struggles of my trans sisters this conforming idea of what a womxn is and should look like,is such a small box and having the world criticizing you if you don’t fit in it! I see and love all of u 🥺❤️
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