I have a friend who is a psychologist. One of the most valuable pieces of advice she ever gave me--because I used to be an extreme perfectionist & idealist--is this:

"Morality is not black and white. There are a lot of grey areas. ...
You can make mistakes and wrong decisions and still be a good person. You can also do the wrong thing for the right reasons and be a good person. What is morally wrong is being unforgiving of yourself. When you verbally assault yourself for not being...
...perfect, it is the worst thing you can ever do."

I took this advice and not only applied it to myself, but applied the same standards to everyone else. People are not perfect and they make mistakes. Sometimes they don't make mistakes when others think they have, and their...
...actions ultimately prove to be the right ones in the end.

I also had a boss say to me, "It's better to do what you think is right, & make apologies afterwards, if need be. The worst thing you can do, is do nothing, if you're working towards improving a situation." @gunsinger
...might remember this person (lol).

Mind you, this same person said he always waited for people to leave the room and then take credit for their work, so there's that 🤪 I think he was joking, but I guess you never know...
I can forgive just about anything, if the person is sincere. What irritates me more than anything else is the non-apology apology, I'm sorry if...

- you took offence
- you took it the wrong way
- etc.

Anyone who dumps the responsibility on someone else, is not sorry at all.
Why am I saying all this? I think most might be able to figure it out.
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