Just in case some of y’all who’ve been talking about “white folks coopted the movement,” bullshit. First, it’s the liberal non-violent crowd that coopted the movement, that consists of Black and White folks. Remember these fools?
The white ppl you see that actively fight with cops and be all up in it, are actually ppl who want to help, and because I notice from a lot of talk on here, many of my own (Black ppl) seem to think that abolition of prisons and cops is the end goal. Black folks who are thinkers..
Understand that you cannot achieve certain things w/o rooting out the problems that lead to ppl committing crime. White folks that are still involved with the protests, know this too. First identify the problems: housing, poor pay, health, representation, disrespect.
Next, identify the cause: police? Politicians? Corporations? White supremacy? You’re correct but only partially. Look deeper. “It’s the system.” What system are we talking about? It is but isn’t what was mentioned above. Those are elements of the system.
The system is capitalism and the basic components of it which are economic, hierarchical, and monopolizing violence. What is violence? It can be physical, mental and emotional. What you see in the streets in fights etc. is one form. The other forms are mental and emotional.
How are these violent methods used? Whenever you have to worry about rent, worry about food, worry about vermin, about the physical violence in the neighborhood, if they are going to kick you off welfare, if that cop is going to fuck with you, if some Karen will fuck with you...
These white folks understand this, too. The politicians calling for peace and an end to insurrection, as well as any actors or celebrity fools who are Black or White, or w/e color fear you waking up to that. Because you connect the dots, you’ll see as the chairman Fred Hampton...
The greatest fear that ppl in power have, is that the masses of the poor come together against the ones profiting from their labor. By making it seem as though one racial group is responsible, you fall for the divide and conquer and you literally give away the advantage.
It’s not “white folks” it’s white supremacy. It’s not just the cops it’s hierarchy, it’s not just economics, it’s capitalism, the monopoly on violence can only come from those with power. If they are stripped of this hierarchical status, they are like you and I.
You don’t need cops or prisons, you need deterrents to crime. And if crime is committed, then you need rehabilitation for that. Or else, you just create a a stronger, and more intelligent criminal. You don’t criminalize drug use, you treat it.
All of these things are counter the capitalist ideology. They need to profit not only off our bodies, but also create a need for cops, who stop and frisk, who pull you over for a broken tail light, who use every method available to instill fear, and courts/judges legalize...
Reasons why it is okay to murder a child, or make a woman disappear into a jail cell whom they claim committed suicide. Or kill someone in front of their child who is legally licensed to carry. Even the idea of legally licensed is a form of control.
But as I said, you need to see that your participation in this “system” of capitalism is what empowers it. By default, it needs to exploit other human beings, animals and our environment. You can’t stop the violence and killing, without eliminating the root of the problem.
So, learn to identify which white folks are on your side. If they wanna vote out racism, and vote for economic justice, they are not your friend. Every politician of every color has a stake in this system. Your favorite rapper, actor, celebrity does as well.
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