I want to talk to you about something personal for a second.
When it comes to friendship, growing up there were times in which I pretty much would have no one to talk to, both irl and online. Part of it was due to what later on I realized was childish behaviour on my part.
Only after some reconciliations and me coming to the realization that I was the one distancing others over petty and trivial things, I was able to stop this behaviour, and I like to think that I have become a better person because of it. It was only a few years ago however that-
I really started to embrace this idea that I would not do something as stupid as ending a friendship over something as dumb as a political (or any) opinion. Part of it also thanks to me being exposed to a lot of different views specifically through this site.
I'm telling you all this because over a week ago, someone did exactly this to me, not because we had a fight or anything, but because I was not in line with the way he thinks, or to be more precise, the way those around him think. I won't make names, those that know, know.
I don't open much to people online, and thinking more about it, I didn't really open much to this person either, but over time I like to think we had become friends in spite of our differences. I even started to interact more with the people within his circle, even though not-
always in the most positive manner, but I've never been the type to lie about who I am or what I think just to be liked, and honestly, some of them really pissed me off over some of the blatant bullshit they said, but usually only to a point where I'd drop the argument,
go cool off for a bit, and then move on with my life. Though it seems I was the only one not holding grudges and leaving said discussions behind, as some of them in hindsight were ready to jump at my throat as soon as I even tried to talk back to them.
And among other things, it seems they also had been complaining about me privately, something that has always particularly bothered me about people, as again, I don't lie about the way I feel about others. And complain they did, to the point where after what was just-
another discussion to me, I went to bed, and woke up to find out they had kicked me from their group after again complaining about me one more time, I wouldn't have given it much weigth honestly, I had been thinking about leaving the group for a bit and would have left it there-
had it not been for the fact that the person I mentioned, decided to also not associate with me anymore. No discussions, no "I don't like what you said", just being told this decision was taken and that it had been on this person's mind for a while.
Me being me, I found the reasons for it to be laughable, I had been there after all, but apparently, even though I had no problems associating with them, I was a "bigot, stressful, and harmful". In a moment, I saw the person I had grown to respect and be more open with,
crumble right in front of me, under the pressure of stupid social cliques and an ironic intolerance toward other ideas, including ones that I don't take very seriously myself. As stated before, in the past I found myself alone, mostly due to my faults,
and although right now I'm surrounded by all kinds of friends who I have disagreements with, online and not, this abrupt end hit me harder than I thought it would, but it also made me appreciate even more those that even among you have the maturity to argue and let go.
And especially not be as cowardly as to cave in to some dumb shit like that of not talking to someone over an opinion as mild as "I don't think Tucker called Elmo anti-white propaganda." (even typing it makes me feel fucking stupid, can't believe some idiots would believe it),
then waiting for that someone to go to bed (since talking with someone who argues in bad faith and insults you isn't worth losing sleep over), to decide to end any association with them. That's fucking childish, that only shows you don't have the balls to say what you think-
directly to someone, and at the end of the day, you'll still be surrounded by people that will be more than happy to do the same to you. And in spite of all this, I still don't hate you, or any of the snakes you surrounded yourself with, but you are a coward. And so is anyone-
that would end a friendship over conflicting opinions.
I needed to vent about this, because I feel some of you might also have this type of mentality, because I've been there, and now I can say I've been on both sides of it, and I can tell you first hand just how stupid it is.
If you end a friendship over conflicting opinions you're a coward and an idiot, and those of you that *can* be friends with someone in spite of their opinions, you're the real lads.
Have a nice fucking day, from this bigot, stressful and harmful man.
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