Every time I hear some st*ggy dick rider or marvel bootlicker call Bucky a burden, I laugh.
Since Cevans himself called Stucky a love story, anything the trolls say about Stucky is bullshit.
How do they look at a man who was captured, held against his will and tortured for
70 years and call him a burden?? If that's how your brain works you're probably a psychopath.
Also, if Steve thought Bucky was a burden, he wouldn't have bothered saving him even once. He would've dropped Bucky's ass as early as TFA. Like, "Oh? Bucky was captured?
*thinks for half a second* Oh well! I always hated him. Now back to being a movie star! 😊"
If Steve saw the man that stood by his side even when Steve had nothing, as a burden, then Steve wouldn't have bothered to go behind his Colonel's back and risk everything to save that man
despite the fact that Bucky was most likely already dead.
He wouldn't have bothered to vow death to all of Hydra & avenge Bucky's presumed death after the train mission.
He wouldn't have bothered to let a brainwashed Bucky attempt to beat him to death over their life long
devotion to each other.
He wouldn't have bothered to yank a helicopter out of the sky to keep Bucky from leaving him.
He wouldn't have bothered to oppose 117 countries, fight half his found family, and fight his close friend, Tony, practically to the death for Bucky.
You don't repeatedly fight to the death for someone if you don't love them.
The trolls are just exposing themselves as narcissists, megalomaniacs, homophobes, and psychopaths.
And st*ggies, don't bother with "ThE wRiTeRS sAiD StEve WaS FiGhTiNg OuT oF oBLiGaTiON" bullshit.
Again, NOBODY goes as far as Steve goes for Bucky out of obligation. As a matter of fact, Steve doesn't see fighting for anybody as an obligation.
Steve is a self proclaimed protector of the innocent.
Not because he feels as if he has to but because he wants to.
He was born with
a unyielding sense of justice which his Mother, Sarah, helped to shape & solidify & Bucky Barnes encouraged.
Did you hear that st*ggies? Sarah Rogers, Bucky, and Steve himself are the reason why Steve is the hero that he is. Not Peggy.
Steve was Captain America long before he got
the serum or met the woman he never even had a relationship with in TFA.
Peggy is a badass in her own right but she's NOT who made Steve Cap. I'm sick of st*ggies trying to spread their delusions just to "validate" their toxic ship.
I also hate how they're trying to invalidate
Peggy's arc by trying to tie all her actions to a man.
To them, she only had value because of a man she had a mere crush on.
It's despicable 😒.
Don't get me started on how they try to call the confirmed love story, Stucky, cOdEPeNdeNcY. But glorify a contrived het ship that is
based off of desperation, delusion, and obsessing over a woman that chose to be happy without Steve.
As I've said in other tweets, the real Steve loves Bucky and respects that Peggy was happy without him.
You fucked up with EG #MARVEL and you've proven over and over again that you'll never have the courage to own up to your mistake.
Pretty ironic for a company that tells tales about bravery and heroism.
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