1]One of my personal heroes, Cong. Lewis, {a man I met only once in Selma, Alabama before he was beaten by "deputized" KLU KLUX clansmen and local police} has died. I grieve not only for his loss but for the loss of a generation of civil rights leaders that are no longer with us.
2] I have faith that the current generation of black civil rights leaders, black academics, and minority journalists will follow Lewis's footsteps to keep fighting for racial justice. However, I despair about the current white generation under 30 when so many of them refuse
3] the simple burden of wearing a mask and social distancing. Yes, the pathetic leadership of some white Republican governors in Florida, Georgia, Arizona and Texas, has contributed to this massive failure by refusing to mandate mask wearing. But, these entitled white kids are
4]the most responsible for the resurgence of the first wave of the virus. I happily acknowledge that some of this generation marched on our streets for weeks after the Floyd murder but not enough of this generation seem to care very much about their fellow citizens and appear
5] utterly indifferent to the risks they create for their elders. Heroes of any generation are few and far between so its unreasonable to expect that the majority of young white adults will sacrifice their self interest for some greater cause. MY GENERATION WAS NO DIFFERENT.
6] Even our massive protests against the Vietnam War reflected our self interest in avoiding a draft and possible death in an absurdly stupid war. However, the failure to do something so simple and self interested as wearing a mask to protect themselves and others is inexcusable.
7] Long after Trump is gone, the cluelessness of 35% of Americans will remain a serious obstacle to progressive social and political reforms.
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