Because I love Sang In and Moon Young's dynamic and that I can't wait to know their backstory... Sang In/Moon Young favorite moments: a thread.

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
Sang In knows so well how Moon Young's fascination for something or someone works (Ep. 4)

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
Sang In tried to get Moon Young back to Seoul to write her next book but it's also because he knows what happened to Moon Young's mother in the cursed castle (Ep.4)
He knows about her past. And it's proven later (w. MY's sleep paralysis) that he made a point.

Moon Young even proposed Sang In to live with her in the castle (Ep.4)
Even if Sang In declined it at first, the fact that SHE was the one to propose to live with her says so much yet so little about their relationship.

Despite the comedic aspect of this scene (ft. jealous!Kang Tae), we now know after today's episode that Sang In genuinely meant it. He truly cares about Moon Young and stays by her side no matter what, and not for money (Ep.6)

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
It's clear that Sang In doesn't like Moon Young in a romantic way since he likes Ju Ri but I do think what he meant there is that he's been there for Moon Young for a decade and intends to be there for her the rest of their lives (Ep.6)

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
This whole scene is so underrated.
Sang In was genuinely worried for Moon Young and managed to guess Moon Young got sleep paralysis again... I hope we'll get to see flashbacks showing how and why he knows so much about Moon Young's past (Ep.7)

I'm pretty sure Sang In is the only person, along with Kang Tae, that could ask that and get a honest answer from Moon Young (Ep.7)

In that scene, they're both being honest with each other. And most importantly, they warn each other. Moon Young usually strikes without particular warning but is Sang In scared? No, and he returns her warning with another warning (Ep.7)

What Sang In said there implies that he was there when Moon Young used to be haunted by those hallucinations and got sleep paralysis the first time around.
And once again, he made a point: staying in a place where traumatic events happened is no good (Ep.7)

Moon Young tried to knock Sang In out to stop him from making her leave but he he predicted that.
And instead of looking frightening, he looks like he's used to her behavior and reminds her he's known her for 10 years (Ep.7)

Small details but Moon Young did pay attention to what Sang In said about being nice to fans to have a good image as a children's book author.
And what Sang In said to Ju Ri can be applied to Moon Young too: she seems harsh but is kind deep down (Ep.8)

Now looking back, Sang In knows about Moon Young's fascination for sharp objects (due to her desire to cut the leash).
So when it happened in Moon Young's introduction scene, he basically said "here we go again..." (Ep.1)

Since I live for small details... Sang In knows Moon Young so well and knows her aversion for that critic who knows her mother so he tried to make him go away (but failed since Moon Young saw him)

The fact that Sang In has been by her side for the past ten years because he knows she cannot be left alone given her mental state until now is just...

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
When she was a child, Moon Young kept saying to Kang Tae & Ju Ri "get lost" to push them away and protect them from her mother.
Imagine how much it means for Moon Young to have Sang In always staying with her for the past 10 years...

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
Sang In explaining how lonely Moon Young is may be one of the catalysts to get Moon Young and Ju Ri to rekinkle their lost friendship.
He also indirectly explained to Ju Ri why Moon Young acted that way when they were children (Ep.9)

#ItsOkayToNotBeOkay #ItsOkayToNotBeOkayEP9
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