One of the important differences between DT and other Presidents is that irrespective of party. They all believed & promoted Democracy. The military was used for domestic purposes only on rare occasions when everything else failed. And they were identified. I am not an alarmist.
I have studied law and history. I have friends from all economic and educational stratas. I understand how propaganda works on those who would seem to be the least vulnerable to authoritarianism. Highly educated and well off. We ask “Can It Happen Hear”! And the answer from
History is clearly Yes! It may not be exactly the same. History rhymes and not repeats. Circumstances change over time. We are in a perfect storm. An authoritarian President. A Senate enabler. A judicial system behind the Dictator. A population that has grievances. Income
inequality. When Hitler took power. He didn’t have the popular vote. He gave speeches. Held rallies. Attacked Jews. Controlled the press and military. He succeded not by military prowess but by propaganda. Hitler taught Goebbels propaganda. That was his expertise. Now we have
many of the same elements in Fox News. I hear people living in different States repeating the Fox arguments. These are neighbors. My wife who teaches special education ran into an old neighbor today who asked if she would be teaching this year. She then claimed that “children
need socialization”! Not children and teachers need to be safe. The First Amendment is not a blank check to say or do whatever we want. There are laws that restrict so we do no harm to others. I took two books off my shelf (I finished Mary Trump) to understand where we are. I
have recommended them before “Selling Hitler” by Professor O’Shaughnessy on propaganda. And “The Economic Consequences of Peace” by Keynes. Together they help explain where we are today. A government using it’s military against it’s own people is extremely dangerous. If Trump
should gain one more seat on SCOTUS. The game may be over. Don’t depend on our judicial and political system to save us. Game will be over. Vote in November. In can happen here!
Sorry this is so lengthy. I am concerned and fearful. I apologize for the wordiness.
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