Did you know the transcripts of George Floyd’s initial police contact were released last week?

There has been little coverage of what those transcripts revealed by the msm.

I have read them. What I found should open many eyes.

Thread below:
George Floyd transcripts reveal some interesting details.

He tells officer Lane that he “got shot” before, (presumably by police)He tells Lane his Mother just died. (Didn’t Rayshard Brooks say the exact same thing?)
“Speaker 7”-repeatedly says “Ask Mr. Adam about me.” Who is Mr. Adam, and given the fact Speaker 7 was let go, and anonymous, it is safe to assume “Mr. Adam” is a high ranking official?
Floyd says “They gonna kill me, They gonna kill me” and “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know” (what did he fear and what did he know that made him confident he would be executed?)
Floyd does NOT want to be left with other police officers...he pleads for Lane “Can you do me one favor man...Oh man, God don’t leave me man. Please man, please man...I’ll do anything, I’ll do anything y’all tell me to man. I’m not resisting man...You can ask HIM, they know me.
He also says “I’m not that kind of guy” multiple times.
He pleads with Officer Lane telling him he is scared, and tries to reassure him that “I don’t want to do nothing to them!”
The mysterious “Speaker 9” who informed officer Lane to ask Mr. Adam, tells a frightened Floyd “You can’t win” to which Floyd replies “I’m not trying to win...I can’t stand this shit man, he know it”. Who are the “he” and “they” Floyd keeps mentioning?
All of these exchanges occurred PRIOR to any restraint by Chauvin (in fact, he had yet to arrive on scene). Floyd was 100% certain he would die that day, he knew he made a mistake - presumably for using the counterfeit 20, that “They” simply would not tolerate being investigated
Prior to being physically restrained he proclaims excitedly “I can’t choke, I can’t breathe Mr. Officer! Please! Please!”
He attempts anything he can think of to ensure he is never placed in the car, he begs Lane and Kueng to let him lay on the ground. He tells them he is claustrophobic and says “I want to lay on the ground, I want to lay on the ground, I want to lay on the ground!”
Once he sees Chauvin arrive he says “Mama, mama,mama” and after being told by Chauvin he is under arrest, Floyd says “All right, all right. Oh my God. I can’t believe this, I can’t believe this.”
Chauvin informs him he is going to jail and Floyd again exclaims “I can’t believe this man. Mom, I love you. I love you...Tell my kids I love them. I’m dead.”
Once it is confirmed to Floyd he is under arrest & going to jail, he immediately realizes he will be executed for potentially exposing a vast criminal enterprise. He makes the most telling statement mere seconds after seeing Chauvin, “Tell my kids I love them. I’m dead”
Did he realize the man sent to take him to jail was actually his executioner?

Very little news coverage of the transcript release exists. This is a huge story that casts major doubt over the race narrative we have been told was the only reason for his untimely death.
So many questions and so few answers; worse, no honest journalists looking into Mr. Adam and “They/Them”.

How did he know to say goodbye to Mama and his kids?

He knew because he knew the stakes of employment. There were no second chances; only termination if employment ends.
Sorry the pictures are out of order, I uploaded them in order but they have been reassigned to random for some reason.
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