Have changed my views on Indians that fought in the World Wars on behalf of Brits. While it is not something to celebrate, they shoudn't be disparaged either. By all accounts our men fought with bravery & honour and unlike others never indulged in rape & plunders, deserve credit.
Here's an account from the Italian city or Taranto. When an Indian Navy ship berthed there in 1967, the locals warmly welcomed Indian sailors.
One woman narrated how she was being chased by 2 allied soldiers & got saved by an Indian who intervened & said she was her sister.
The locals narrated how among the allied soldiers from Britain, Canada, India, Australia etc it was only the Indian soldiers that didn't indulge in rape, molestation & plunder.
The locals didn't take any money for the merchandize that the Indian naval personnel bought.
There are also mutiple accounts on just how brave, hardy & effective our soldiers were across various fronts of the War, both British & German accounts. They were instrumental in winning the war. Will do a seperate thread on this soon.
Besides our guys weren't fighting because they believed in the Brits/Queen or anything like that.
Most of them were normal villagers for whom the Army provided a stable source of income to raise their family with. They served distinguishly & nobody can take that away.
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