1.For the past 48hrs I have not been feeling very good but am slowly on the mend. My attempts to get much needed rest were disrupted by increased state surveillance and intimidation requiring me to find an alternate resting place.
2. Being sick at this time reminds me of the seriousness of CoVID 19 and makes me appreciate the sacrifice made by so many who have pledged to come out on #31July
3. There would be no need for protests if governments listened and did the right thing. But @edmnangagwa continues to pay lip service to the fight against corruption.
4. Since the announcement of the protest @edmnangagwa has not declared an opening of the doors, accepting independent and transparent audits of all government entities. He has not rolled back state machinery used to harrass and intimidate citizens.
5. @edmnangagwa cares more about staying in power than doing the right thing. Zimbabwe needs billions of dollars to feed the hungry, pay doctors and nurses and to reboot the economy. This much needed boost will not come unless there are serious reforms in Zimbabwe.
6. These reforms do not take weeks or months to implement. The reforms can be implemented immediately and save the lives of millions who suffering and dying.
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