Every patriot must expend all their efforts into re-electing this man.

Let no one lead you away from supporting Trump. https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1284264724356530176?s=20
Right now a bunch of supposed “Conservative influencers”, when they’re not trying to get the Trump base to massively reduce it’s cultural footprint just just before the election by moving much of it to less visible social media platforms, they’re trying something else.
They’re doing what I call the “Trump betrayal” dance.

“If Trump does DACA amnesty, he has betrayed us, and we cannot vote for him.”

Some try a variation: “If indictments haven’t come by Election Day, we MUST not vote for Trump.”

The strategy is the same.
On the first, these “Conservative influencers” are straight-up lying to you. Trump’s DACA plan has no amnesty in it. DACA kids have to self deport & file to return with legal status to receive a pathway to citizenship where they must complete all the steps over a # of years.
On the second, they’re trying to take people’s frustrations at no one being indicted yet to talk them into quitting their Trump support.

The pitch is “Trump’s handled this all wrong, he’s obviously weak, so if no indictments by Election Day, stay home.”
Never mind there is over 100 days to go until Election Day, more than an entire summer vacation for some indictments to be unsealed.

You’re supposed to be depressed right now & thinking about what a dumbass Trump is, if you listen to these “influencers”.
I’m not worried about indictments in the slightest.

Conservative influencers selling the narrative that Trump and Barr’s big strategy, for which they enlisted Durham, Jensen, Grenell, Ratcliffe & many others, is to roll out all the evidence, clearly show us all the crimes...
...and fully reveal everything that was done...so at the very end, at the exciting conclusion....


They say this the plan, you see. 4 years in the execution.

Well excuse me.

Don’t be stupid.
If you can't spot people deliberately crafting narratives to trigger your biases and your deepest darkest fears to keep you listening to them, clicking their websites, reading their blogs, watching their livestreams, you'll never break the addiction.
And I'm telling you some of these so called Trump-supporting Conservative influencers are getting ready to try to use whatever influence they have left at this point, after 3 1/2 years of relentless fear porn about Trump failure to try one last attempt to divide the Trump base.
Notice a lot of these influencers that made **multiple** flouncing exits from the Trump Train over the past couple of years are now all back on the train?

They cried out "That's it! Trump has let me down/betrayed ME for the last time! See ya, suckers!" as they departed?
And now they're back.

Well don't be surprised if **shortly before the election** they do their BIGGEST, loudest, most histrionic flouncing exit from the room, watching carefully to see how many will follow them outside.
I'm not one of them.

I came on this Trump Train in June 2017 shaking with fear.

I had just spent a year and a half being Never Trump, and 8 months being "hope for the best but expecting the worst" about President Trump.
I was scared I'd be rejected.

The loud mouth who'd spent 18 months insufferably claiming Trump would make the worst President in US history, now he wants in here?
Back then I only had around 75,000 followers, so about 2/3rds of you never saw me in my Never Trump prime.

So you'll have to take my word for it when I tell you how insufferable I was.

A good friend of mine on here even blocked me for 2 years because I wouldn't shut up.
So when I came out as a new Trump supporter, this was not unlike Saul of Tarsus showing up in Jerusalem & going to the Christian disciples and saying "HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT? I'M ONE OF YOU NOW! COOL, HUH?!"

They all rejected him and he had to leave.
There were a few accounts that tweeted at me to get lost and drop dead, they didn't want me here, etc. but since most of those were same accounts that said immigration in the US was always supposed to be limited to whites only, I didn't pay much attention to those.
I'm telling you this because I want you to understand something:

Sometimes it's those who made a genuine conversion to Trump support after undergoing their "Road To Damascus" that can best spot those who are faking their Trump support just to build their brands.
I've had people contact me several times over the past 3 years who think I'm playing that game, they offer to help me 'build my brand', 'increase my outreach', 'enlarge my influence' etc.

They offer me services and advice, none of which I take.
And one of the biggest strategies for 'building your Conservative influencer brand' is you have to demonstrate you are your own person, you follow no man, etc.

So every now and then you have to flex your muscles & demonstrate your COMPLETE INDEPENDENCE FROM TRUMP.
This is why every other month or so, you see the same people going "OK that's it, Trump's really let us all down here, my support for him is dropping like a rock, I'm just keeping it real, yo!"

It's like a yo-yo in motion: one week up, one week down.
These influencers have been the loudest selling what I call the "Dumbass Trump" narratives ever since he got elected.

His presidency is one long sad tale of his being bent over and ravaged by the Deep State as he refuses to listen to the sage advice they yell to him.
They spend less than half their time on Trump triumphs, his artful and masterful moves and countermoves. Because most of the time they don't even see what it was that Trump was doing at the time.

Instead it's mostly "OMG Trump's been rick-rolled again!"
Let me tell you what these influencers do:

They spend all their time **reacting** to Fake News media's coverage of Trump.

The Fake News stories about Trump, most of which they stupidly take at face value.

The Fake News polls too.
You know why you only see me post Fake News media stories to mock them? Because I know they're fake.

You know why you only see me post Fake News media polls only to mock them? Because I know they're fake.

But that's not what these guys do.

They want to stoke fear & outrage.
I'm not on here to 'build my brand' by taking the daily fake news & spinning it to you to cause maximum fear, panic and outrage. If all I wanted to do was surface skate & take fake news stories about how TRUMP IS DOOMED FOR SURE NOW! how hard is that?
That requires no talent.

No research is involved.

The fake news did all the heavy lifting already, all I gotta do is take their fake story about Trump really messed up this time & hand it off to you with my comments about "YEP TRUMP REALLY MESSED UP THIS TIME!"
So anyway this is turning into a book. Let me sum up.

After I got on the Trump train, very grateful to be there, I watched several Conservative influencers make dramatic flouncing exits from it...and then get back on...get off...then back on...over and over.
I can see what they are doing.

And shortly before the election, they're going to make their biggest, most dramatic, most flouncing exit from the Trump train ever.


Stay right where you are.


And for those asking for SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of Conservative influencers who are getting ready for a big dramatic flouncing exit off the Trump train before November, sure, I'll give you one.

I'll give you two:
I did a thread the other day in which Sloppy Steve & Mr. Gorilla Mindset lied their asses off about "Trump's DACA amnesty".

Here it is: https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1282745198196527105?s=20
Understand: BOTH these guys are intelligent enough to know what Trump's real DACA plan is.

So there's **no excuse whatsoever** for what they are saying here.
Cernovich's one stupid pet trick has been screeching about stuff Trump never planned to do [like invade Syria with 100,000 US troops] and then do a victory lap over his 'influence' in stopping Trump from doing something he was never going to do to begin with.
Bannon's still out to screw Trump back for tossing him out of the White House.

You think he's a good guy?

Keep watching, is all I'll say about that.

You can follow @drawandstrike.
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