Clear thread. Some more general comments: For more than 2 decades I've closely observed & even interacted with some western neo-heathens & even few who wanted to become H. There were 3 broad tendencies: 1) A few saw it as some kind a facade for their ethnic identity. These types
were mostly neutral and sometimes hostile to H. The latter stemming from a jealousy coupled with the mistaken belief that they were the original IEans. 2) An adopted prop for coping with their personal problems. Now religion is a powerful mechanism is helping survive personal
situations of adversity. Even the new 0-grade Abrahamism of the Occident is a flavor of the same. But when you enter a system without a frame or a proper understanding of the spirit of its ancient promulgators, you often bring your old "demons" into your new practice. The main
tendency in this type was the adoption of the quintessential feature of the Abrahamistic counter-religions: victimhood theology, which is also central to its 0-grade strains. Hence, winners like v1s and more generally H are adopted as natural objects of H. Additionally, the same
jealousy at H survival and political assertiveness, mistaken belief of being original IEans all play in. 3) There were those who wanted to become H. Of those who came to me I engaged them for sometime to get a feel for where they were coming from. For a subet I realized that they
were not wanting to give up the pretamata+ekarAkShasatvam and simply wanted H as a additional prop. Plus they were culturally moored with a strong preta background. Hence, I told them of my inability to help any further &seek any H teacher who might find them fit for instruction
Another was clearly seeking H for his personal "demons" after lapsing from mUlarAkShasavAda. However, he was more discerning sincere & I told him to seek a H teacher who might be able teach for his interests and level. He remains H& content when I last heard from him. From a
political standpoint, as late Ram Swarup indicated H should engage and encourage heathen/ return to natural religion movements all over the world across ethnicities. We are a kind-hearted and intrinsically helpful people in this regard. However, they should be clear that if you
tilt against us, we will not be there for you as your abrahamistic coethnics consume you as a snack. To such the message is clear:you have no political power. H are the ones who have it in the heathen world and will be aggressive about protecting themselves. We will not tolerate
even an iota of sympathy for existential enemies. If you play on their side you're one going who is going to be burnt first.
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