A reader flagged this to me a week or so ago. The Georgia site just keeps changing the color legend of their map to keep pass with th Ed outbreak. https://twitter.com/andishehnouraee/status/1284237474831761408
2/ There’s actually a fascinating darkly humorous article to be written on how the most covid denial states play games with numbers on their dashboards without actually saying anything literally false. So instance Florida continues to report numbers with the completely ...
3/ meaningless distinction between residents and non residents. Most of these states also don’t report new cases. They just give you an updated total number for the whole epidemic. If you’re keeping a spreadsheet it’s easy enough to just subtract yesterday’s from today’s ...
4/ total. But obviously most people steer going to do that. Same with fatalities. Then there’s positivity. Florida has a formula they do not disclose to come up with test positivity. Supposedly it weeds out cases of multiple tests to give a truer number. In theory such ...
5/ an effort might be valuable. But the state has zero credibility. I do the substraction noted above and divide new cases by new tests. That percentage is always much higher than the number they report.
6/ Again none of these things are falsifying data, just examples of various ways you can report the data if you want it to be as unclear as possible what on earth is happening. Arizona, a state that has been a disaster actually has much more clarity on its dashboard.
7/ New York highlights the number of new cases each data, the number of new tests, the positivity. The numbers you want to know and need to know if you’re a civilian and want to know wtf is going on.
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