I get to preview this today followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers - I'm really excited about it! #Radioactive https://twitter.com/PrimeVideo/status/1281619193444483077
3 minutes in and I already have goosies!! #RADIOACTIVE @PrimeVideo @MovingImageNYC
#RADIOACTIVE is portraying Marie Curie as a cliche socially awkward scientist. I do wonder about the accuracy of the portrayal. (I’m not saying it’s not possible she was like this, but it’s also a thing in Hollywood to make scientists awkward.) @PrimeVideo @MovingImageNYC
Just watched #RADIOACTIVE - screenplay by Jack Thorne (based on the illustrated novel by Lauren Redniss) and directed by Marjane Satrapi.

Many elements (pun not intended) are reminiscent of the show The Knick, @AtTheKnick, especially the soundtrack and some of the dialogue.
There was a fascinating element of storytelling tying the nature of scientific discovery to the human tendency to cause destruction from what is born of discovery. The script tied the #histsci to future events such as the bombing of Hiroshima. A powerful message. #RADIOACTIVE
@MovingImageNYC I don’t want to create a channel to ask a question in the YouTube chat, so am posting here. I hope you can consider it. Thank you. (See next Tweet.) #RADIOACTIVE
@MovingImageNYC Major motion pictures tend to portray scientists as social awkward & woman scientists as not maternal. This applies to the portrayal of Marie Curie in much of this film. How much/if any of that is based in historical record versus writing/directing/acting choices?
#RADIOACTIVE was directed by Marjane Satrapi who is the award winning creator of Persepolis.
There were two science advisors on #Radioactive.

“The science has to be real. Of course we have to make it more attractive. But the science is true, and if something is written on the chalkboard, [you don’t want scientists thinking] what is this?” - Director Marjane Satrapi
Director Marjane Satrapi met with Marie Curie’s granddaughter (who was 89 years old at the time). She also read Curie’s correspondences and paid attention to how Curie used words. #Radioactive
Happy to learn that Rosamund Pike likes science!
#ScienceOnScreen #Radioactive @MovingImageNYC
“I had science lessons and it was incredibly rewarding...You have to do right by this woman.” - Rosamund Pike about playing Marie Curie in #RADIOACTIVE
There’s a line in the film based on a letter Marie Curie wrote to her daughter to the effect of, “I suffered much more from lack of funding than from being a woman [in science].” #Radioactive #ScienceOnScreen
So, overall, there is a lot of creative license taken with the film and inaccuracies related to timing/events. But as a major motion picture its quality is in the aesthetics and performances. I would definitely recommend some fact-checking. #RADIOACTIVE #ScienceOnScreen
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