2) "The chronological sequence of the PCR test by Prof. Drosten and the Berlin Charité (please note the dates)"
5) Qt: Prof. Drosten did not use scientifically verified data for his rapidly globalised PRC test of the 2019- nCOV which was renamed SARS-CoV-2 on February 7, 2020..."... "The impression presented was that the Chinese had discovered a new virus, but this was never the case."
6) Qt: The claim that Prof. Drosten had a reliable test procedure is therefore completely impossible.

On 23.01.2020: A publication of the development of the test method of Prof. Drosten.
7) Qt: At that time, no clinical data were available that could have formed the basis for such a presumption.
8) Qt: Regarding SARS-CoV-1 (2003) to which Drosten refers in his test for SARS-CoV-2 (2019), there is a enormous problem. In a 2003 article in NATURE, "Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus" the headline suggests...that Koch's postulates have been fulfilled.
9) Qt: The article states, "According to Koch's postulates, as modified by Rivers for viral diseases, six criteria are required to establish a virus as the cause of a disease." After analysing the studies presented, it is clear that neither Koch's postulates nor River's were...
11) Qt: Previously in 2003 SARS-Cov-1 was also only mentally created to be a genetic strand of a new virus, Christian Drosten was again significantly involved in this, & just 2 days later, Drosten offered an alleged test procedure for this mentally compounded alleged virus!
12) Qt: To date, virologists have not succeeded in detecting a SARS virus from a patient, a bat, another animal, or in the laboratory.

Further Quote in the image relating to this article https://edoc.rki.de/handle/176904/1876
13) Qt: Dr. Stefan Lanka wrote to all authors & their laboratory managers to ask about the control experiments which have been mandatory since 1998. None of the authors replied nor the heads of the addressed institutes, and so the complaint procedure went to nothing.
14) Qt: Only on 24.01.2020 & 03.02.2020 did the authoritative virologists of the Chinese disease authority (CCDC) published their findings.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31978945/  and
16) Qt: On the contrary: The Chinese virologists even explicitly point out that the constructed genetic strand bears up to 90% similarity to genetic strands of harmless & for decades known, claimed corona viruses in bats (see the study of 24.01.2020 under discussion).
17) Qt: On 30.01.2020: after several previous tests, which always turned out negative, the Chinese eye doctor finally tested positive with a test. This increased the panic when the eye doctor told the world. https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=228250
18) Quoting answer to the quoted question posed in the jpg:
The answer is a clear NO
This central scientific duty gives rise to three central questions...
20) Qt: Metabolism constantly produces a large amount of RNA gene sequences ... which do not appear in the form of DNA sequences in the chromosomes.
21) Qt: Based on reports in the social media, he [Drosten] & his colleagues assumed that a corona virus linked to SARS could be involved in the alleged outbreak of atypical pneumonia. At the time, there was no clinical data available to support such a suspicion.
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