Thread: It has long been a practice for Communists to use front organizations to cultivate and retain the loyalties of citizens who otherwise could not be convinced to join the Party—uniting them behind movements themed around common social problems within a given community
Since its inception, Black Lives Matter was seen as a radical group that no one took seriously—and for good reasons. The self-described Marxist organization seeks to destroy the nuclear family and transform western civilization
Fast forward to today, American organizations that have flourished under the system, from sports to technology to corporations, have endorsed the BLM movement.

How did a Marxist organization whose mission is to transform western civilization become so popular among Americans?
It began after AG Barr announced that he had evidence that Antifa and other groups were responsible for criminal activity that followed protests in a number of cities. The insurgency moved to protect its asset, legitimizing and cloaking it in a cloud of political protection.
That night, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser signed a directive to rename the street outside Lafayette Square after BLM and commissioned artists to paint the organization's name on the road leading to the White House.

Painters worked through the night and completed it by lunchtime.
Just days before, BLM and Antifa committed terrorism in our nation’s capital, burning a church and vandalizing federal property. They were rewarded with a mural in their name by their political cadre.

Imagine that, commit terrorism, get a mural!
In Martinez, California, a couple was charged with hate crimes after they painted over a Black Lives Matter mural shortly after it was painted on the street in front of a courthouse.
According to a statement released by the Soros-owned Prosecutors Office, on July 1, a local Martinez resident applied for a permit to paint a Black Lives Matter mural in front of the courthouse.
July 4th is a federal holiday, and when it falls on a Saturday, it is observed on Friday, July 3. That would make July 2 the city’s last day of work before the holiday.

Why would the city approve a permit within 24 hrs and commission it to be painted on independence day?
When did Gov't work so fast?

In other cities such as LA, San Francisco, and Charlotte, where BLM mural exists, the applicant must present the art to the city Art Committee to get a permit.  A process that typically takes months, but seems to have been extradited in every case.
In addition, commercial representation or endorsements are not permitted. Democrats Mayors painting the name of an organization on city streets is essentially an endorsement—a political one too.
Moreover, there are two strategies the Democrats are using: 1. Appealing to ethnic grievances (real or perceived) to increase support for their electoral chances by promising to implement policies that resolve the (real or perceived) deprivations.
2. Control what gets presented by using their front organization, BLM, to represent the ethnic group they are expoliting. They’re effectively playing both sides.

Using ethnic grievance can become more effective when grievances are framed as systematic or social injustices
Insurgencies attempt to establish a collective identity that separates the group from the government and national identity to set up an “us vs. them” scenario.

When a narrative is linked to an ethnic group issue, that narrative becomes a political and social tool of mobilization
This is where using a phrase like “Black Lives Matter” as a name for a front organization, creates the much needed us vs. them strategy insurgency seek to establish to increase support

Insurrections are not spontaneous; they are PLANNED and can last years.
As stated in a previous thread, grievances alone are not enough to fuel an insurrection,
a defining event is needed to spark the uprising.

The momentum of a defining event, coupled with a grievance that resonates within a community, allows an insurgency to operate in the open
BLM was tailored specially for the United States. This organization would be ineffective in Japan, China, and most countries that have a limited history with Black people.

This is the uniqueness that occurs in every insurrection.
If a black person never experienced injustice in the United States, a narrative incorporating blacks wouldn’t have legs to stand on. Since these injustices do occur to other ethnic groups, the insurgence must portray individual cases as systematic and racially-based
The illusion that “Blacks are oppressed and hunted every day” must be recited at all costs if the insurgency is to last.

Nevermind that the numbers don't back up the claim. If you repeat a lie and isolate the target group from the truth, the lie becomes believable.
Once the “us vs. them” strategy is in place along with a lack of security, Insurgents can force neutral elements into choosing a side (Trump or BLM). Fear, intimidation and social pressure can be used to gain passive support and crush anyone who doesn't fall in line
Many are wondering, what does Trump have to do with BLM? After all, the organization existed before he ran for office.

The “founder” of BLM states that her goal is to get Trump out of office

So who's agenda is BLM serving? You know the answer
Furthermore, behind the shield of black lives mattering, Democrats are trying to implement their communist plan with little to no resistance. “Never let a crisis go to waste” is alive

“Get rid of charter schools?”

“Yup, those charter schools are racist.” 
“Change the national anthem?”

“Yep, we must do it for the blacks.”

“We're ripping down the statues of the founders?”

“Yup, the blacks are terrified of them.”

“Green New Deal, huh?”

“Yea, the Blacks need that too.”

“Reenter the Climate Accord?”

“CO2 kills black people.”
Whenever you hear them talk like this, just laugh in their face.

In closing, the worst thing that can happen to this country to give Black Lives Matter legitimacy. It's just communism being presented in blackface.

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