the idea that democrats "struggle with religion" is a myth the media pushes and too many democrats embrace. democratic leaders like joe biden, hillary clinton, barack obama, effortlessly speak about their faith and its role in guiding their politics. its a myth.
in the case of the mainstream media this largely comes about because the only "religion" they see as valid is conservative christianity. they absolutely ignore the central role that the black church has played in progressive/democratic politics for eons.
in my opinion, while republicans ignore reality, too often democrats wholesale buy into myths about themselves. they believe it when the media says progressivism is fringe and that democrats aren't religious. both things are 100% false.
i would say the same dynamic is at play with regard to military/defense issues.
we have a hard time rejecting frames, especially ones about ourselves. we should push against them harder instead of accepting conventional wisdom - which is almost always wrong - as fact.
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