I met Rep. John Lewis in September 2017. It was one of a few times I ever interviewed him, but this the standout. The president had just called Black players SOB’s in Alabama. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus had said for months that 45 wanted to start a “culture war”
Rep. John Lewis was among them. That week, he & Cedric Richmond, of Louisiana, called a presser. They wanted to discuss the disrespect & racism coming from the president & gave white Americans a cudgel to wage racism against black athletes. For most of the time, Lewis was quiet
I was one of the only black journalists in attendance that day for a near-two hour session. It was rowdy. Every member was irate at what the president had said. But when John Lewis stepped forward to speak it was like the entire Capitol got quiet. I’d never seen anything like it.
When John Lewis stopped speaking, it was as if no one had anymore questions. Like the final word was sent on what had been a week long news cycle on how the president’s racism entered athletics. When the presser ended, I asked Lewis if he’d talk to me. For some reason he did.
We walked the halls of Congress for maybe 10 mins. I don’t think I ever asked him a question. But I got every answer I needed. I was in awe of John Lewis. He was a hero I grew up learning of and I was standing next to him. To this day I’ve never met many people as mighty as him
I’ve thought about that moment often the last few years. John Lewis had a way of impressing his pathos upon you just through his gaze. And every answer he gave a young reporter that day in 2017 reminded me to make “good trouble.” We’re forever indebted to a giant of defiance. RIP
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