Is John Lewis' legacy 60's hero, or giving it back?

2015: Unemployment rate of 8.2% in his district vs state average 5.5%, national avg is 5%

Poverty rate 17% vs 13% nationally

FBI stats, 120 violent crimes per 100k = 3x national avg

Racism is in not asking these questions?
Furious person: "Adam, its not right to talk about this now!"

Me: "Seems it's never the right time to talk about the crime affecting our Black brothers and sisters for the last 20+ years and the political structure that thrives in it"

Reality isn't racist
You: Adam, thats racist, why do you only pick on Black leaders, racist!"

Me: Wrong, i punch both ways, here's my cost about another mythology, John ("bomb 'em and pay me) McCain"
Racism is denying crime, death and failure of education affecting our Black brothers and sisters.
It's posing for selfies funded by megacorps.
We are watching biggest and fastest destruction of Black wealth in America...ever. Destruction served on a silver platter by the Left
"redlining" doesn't resolve destruction of Black wealth, Obama admin oversaw the rapid deterioration of Black homeowner equity

Prison industrial complex = Chicago 3rd world murder rate, low arrest rate = not going to jail

50yrs and hundreds of $b later, problem is worse, why?
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