Since Hour 1 of Jodie Whittaker's reveal as the new #DoctorWho I've dealt with negativity.
'How are you Ok with this!?' Demanded one long time fb friend over DM. My time line filled with 'My childhood is ruined' from other long time friends. Demands from people I prove my...
... 'fan' credentials.
'How long have you been a fan?' Demanded one under my header pic of JW by the classic console.
'Nearly 38 years.' I politely reply.
'You sound like a five minute fan!' Their angry response.
This reaction drove me away from FB and sadly a lot of 'friends'
Ended up blocked for their perpetual negativity before an episode had even aired.
So I threw myself into Twitter, a decision I still don't regret, despite finding even more of that negative mindset here, with hashtags proudly proclaiming 'Not my Doctor'.
Next month I will have been a Doctor Who fan for forty years. I love it as a whole, and find it hard to separate the Doctors, often finding my favourite Doctor is whichever I happen to be watching. Admittedly my affection for the first and current Doctors are strongest.
For my fandom of 40 years to be dismissed because I like the current era is hugely insulting to me. Doctor Who has been everything to me and got me through abuse, ill health and addictions. I've not had an easy life, which is why Jodie Whittaker's Doctor is so appealing to me...
I just find it funny that to me I've been a 'Doctor Who fan' for those 40 years, yet to some 'better', 'superior' fans it turns out I've just been a Jodie-Bot sleeper agent all this time.
Funny how things turn out. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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