Let us rejoice and be thankful for the life of the American Hero and Patriot John Lewis. He has been called home to glory. I imagine Dr King with a smile on his face waiting to greet him at Heavens gate. It is time now for us to cause “good trouble.” John Lewis kept the faith 1/
His work has ended, his mission completed. It is our duty to pick up his work and finish the task. Let us join together and remove the vile Cancer that occupies the Presidency. Let us replace a bad man with a good man this November and begin the work of forming a more perfect 2/
Union. Should we be lost in the darkness of the night we will only need to look up and find Polaris. That star will shine always as our guide, like the Legacy of John Lewis. May he rest in eternal peace and endure forever in the memory of a grateful nation. @ProjectLincoln
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