This whole thread just emphasizes how the black talent are good but kept squarely out of the main focus of the company.
Stop talking about Scorpio winning streak if were not acknowledging the fact they really dont see him as a real title contender
Same with Private party thdy got 2 big wins that lead them nowhere, The Lucha bros & PnP are 2 of the best tag teams in the world.
reduced to hired muscle for the inner circle or death triangle or whatever shape while the tag titles are defended against kip jimmy havoc..
Big Swole was treated as a jobber til they saw the buzz she was getting on top of the fact alot of their female Japanese talent was being held up by travel issues so that the main reason they signed her
Then we're just not gonna talk about Suge D who has had whole storylines just to be jobbed out but still dont have a contract...while Ricky Starks gets signed on his first match
And really tho name me another black wrestler in AEW besides Scorpio and Nyla who's losses dont severely outnumber their wins??
This whole thread is just more of the same shit WWE does.
"Look at how we sorta push this black person be happy"
Not saying this isn't a good thread or AEW isn't doing ANYTHING
im just tired of promotions giving the darker skin talent the short end and expecting us to be fine...
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