They’re called cishet men. A vastly larger number of men poll in opposition to trans ppl. Especially trans women.

Terfs work with these men. What do lesbian seperatists and straight men have in common?

They have anxiety about being tricked into fucking trans women.
This is the ROOT fear.

If you look at history, before bathrooms, sports, gender critical theory. Massive lore sprung up in American Soldiers in Asian wars. (Japan, Korea, Vietnam)

It was about sleeping with an Asian woman, and found out she was REALLY A....
These stories weren’t as much of a thing in Europe and was considered “exotic.” Partly because of actual trans folks in Asian and likely cause of racism.

The fear as jokes were pervasive. Every GI came back knowing “a buddy” this happened to.
The same time as the Korean War, the State Department called LGBTQ+ people a security risk. Under the pretense we could be blackmailed by communists. 1950 brought a new wave of state violence and against queer/trans folks.
In response political groups were formed: The Mattachine Society, mostly gay men, and Daughters of Bilititus formed in San Francisco — for lesbian women. Now considered the earliest lesbian political group in the US a city where mass lesbian separatism and other feminist pol grew

Though at the time Lesbian was so negative this called themselves “Variant.” Which is a kind of rad aside.

In 1966 while gay/maab trans politics was about police raids, arrests, cross dressing, and solicitation.
But while Lesbian/faab trans issues sometimes included crossdressing, they recognized that their opression politics were more in common with heterosexual women. So Feminism. And some separatism. Then Stonewall happened.
In 1973 the West Coast Lesbian conference was huge. 1,200 people. One of the organizers of the conference, and former DOB was openly transgender folk singer Beth Elliot. She was set to perform but was stopped.
Feminist keynote speaker Robin Morgan, not a lesbian and invited from the East Coast took the mic and made a speech against Beth Elliot. She was a man, not a feminist and - “he still had the mind of a rapist.”

She urged a vote to kick Beth out of the conference.
Even those without a penis - trans women would always have the mind of a rapist. This was the root. The trans rapist trope was named and continues to this day.
Now anti-tran activists have a lot of layers, and will talk about shelters, prisons, bathrooms — but Beth Elliott was a SF Haight-Ashbury folk singer and women’s rights organizer who wanted to play a guitar and sing feminist songs.
Beth Felt betrayed and was ostracized from the movement. She is now 70 and still lives in San Francisco. She has written books on bisexuality, feminism, AIDS, lesbian and trans history.

She’s been very active in LGBT politics and cofounded
Beth was elected to the California Commitee for Sexual Law Reform and worked with Willie Brown to overturn sodemy laws.

She released this album of feminist folk music in 2005.
When Beth Elliot was in Daughters of Bilitis and editor Sister’s magazine, she was the youngest member at 21 years old. Beth transitioned in her teens.

She transitioned over 50 years ago and dedicated her life to feminism and LGBTQ rights.

Does she have the mind of a rapist?
TERF recycled for 40 years but layered and softened the language (publically) about trans folks. Even Cathy Brennan said that trans women could be called women but not female.

To her it was to seperate the legal protections around sex from gender — a social construct. UNTIL
The Cotton Ceiling. This was a 2015 in jest term giving some trans perspective on how in INCLUSIVE queer spaces and the porn industry some cis people declared trans women are women except in intimacy.
Rosanne Barr, Cathy Brennan, and other ran with this as proof trans women were trying to correctively rape lesbians.

Woman now meant Adult Human Female only and the sex v. gender terminology went out the window — TERF was in full swing.
Younger TERFS today often cite The Cotton Ceiling as their “peak trans” moment. The thing that turned them away from LGBTQ+ views in order to protect lesbians.

The root turning point is rape, once again.
Anyway Radical Feminists who KNEW/worked with them have historically stood up trans women. 66% at Beth’s show. The Olivia Collective with Sandy Stone.

Sandy and Beth are 84 and 70 respectively and aren’t #metoo figures. They’re lifetime of women/queer rights figures.
There are millions of trans people on the planet and you don’t hear much about military men or lesbian separatists being forced to sleep with them.

The reality of the trans folks I know are deeply cautious about intimacy. We do this to protect US.
There are triggers. Dysphoric based turn offs. Language. Lots of stuff for atypical bodies and to learn about our partners. Watch Work In Progress for a nice consensual navigation between a trans person and their cis partner.
Meanwhile, and for 40 years TERFS and conservative men/homophobes are working together. Janice Raymond co-authored a paper for the Reagan administration. TERFs glom on anti trans terminology from religious cis male doctors.
...and Lesbians, who believe they are protecting lesbians from erasing butches and trans corrective rapists — are literally being groomed to work with homophobic conservatives:
That straight white woman who dominated a queer space in fucking San Francisco and shamed and humiliated the trans folk singer as a rapist and tried to turn the crowd in her?

She’s 79 and hasn’t apologized. She is comparing trans women to blackface.
She stopped the “rapists in their mind” stuff and now very nicely asks why trans people don’t just do their own new thing like Indigenous Two Spirits.

As if we haven’t added like 50 gender drop downs on FB without backlash.

As if TERFS don’t rip on NonBinary folks.
We WANT to bust up the binary. We dont want a third thing. We want one big thing.

In the meantime, stop holding trans people to wildly different standards than cis people.

We were socialized in the same culture you were.
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