Vedic Names of Powers of Ten

VS = Vajasaneyi Samhita (SMH)
TS = Taittiriya SMH
KS1 = Kaathaka SMH 17.10
KS2 = Kaathaka SMH 39.6
MaitS = Maitraayanii SMH
PB = Panchavimsa Brahmana
JUB = Jaiminiya Upanishad Brahmana
SSS = Saankhyaana Srauta Sutra
Names of Decimal Places by Hindu mathematicians

AB = Aaryabhatiya
LP = Later Paulisiddhanta
PG = Patiganita
Tr = Trisatika
GT = Ganitatilaka
L = Lilavati
GK = Ganitakaumudi
Names of Decimal Places by the Buddhists

LV = Lalitavistara, chapter 12
AKB = bhashya (commentary) on Abhidhammakosha
Names of decimal places by the Jainas

AD = Annugaddaaraaaim 204/326
GSS = Ganitasaarasamgraha
Names of the powers of ten in the Ramayana

Lahole = Lahole edition, Yuddhakanda, sarga 4, 51-53
Baroda = Lahole edition, Yuddhakanda, sarga 4, extra verses
Bombay/Gorakhpur = Bombay/Gorakhpur edition, Yuddhakanda, sarga 4, 33-38
Names of decimal places in 11th century

Bhoja = Samaraangasutradhara 9.47cd-50ab
Biruni = al-Biruni’s ‘India’, trans Part 1, p 175
Ksirasvaamin = Amarakosodghaattana on Amarakosa 2.9.84cd
I thought of these powers of 10, when i saw today a newly discovered Buddha statue near Mardan (80 kms from Peshawar, Pakistan) being destroyed.

Near Mardan is a village called Bakhshali, wherein we have the oldest text from ~3-4thCE, in which we find the number “0”.

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