With this Guardian thing... reason people are upset is that when your own (perceived) allies stick the knife in, it is so much more painful. You expect the right-wing press to attack the Labour party. But attacks are so much more effective when your own supposed allies attack.
This is why Cummings is so ruthless with Tory critics - he knows that when people who should be on his side attack it is a massive propaganda failure, whereas everyone expects the opposition to rip him to shreds.
The reason people are upset with the Guardian is that its writers handed the Tories the sort of propaganda boost that their own side of the media spectrum couldn't have possibly offered them. Nothing is as effective as friends who turn against you.
It isn't like we asked for much. We wanted people to show intellectual curiousity about us. We wanted the core values of the LP, those enshrined by Hardie and Attlee at the forefront. We wanted our failings - and there were plenty of those - to be put into context.
For instance, when talking about anti-semitism, put it into context - against the AS in the rest of Europe, in Poland, in Hungary, against the racism in the Tory party.
When talking about Corbyn's associations with terrorists, put them into context with the past history of other politicians, e.g. links with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and suchlike.
Not all criticism is the same - and surely if you really wanted the Tories out you could have at least contextualised your criticism of the only credible alternative. People are upset that you could not do even that.
As a final word, none of us want the Guardian to go out of business. We want them to prosper as a frank, honest voice for the Left, free of bias and double standards. All we are asking is for them to understand what they got wrong over the last 5 years in terms of balance.
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