Things we need in Fifa 21 career mode [THREAD]

-Option to ask for a swap deal when an offer comes in for your player
-Loans with option/obligation to buy
-More in depth finance system with sponsors etc

Any more ideas?
-Player interviews
-More in depth youth academy (cut scenes of manager coming to look at youth trainings matches etc)
-Having to choose your own coaching staff
-Ability to upgrade your stadium (when you play an RTG)
-Customise your kits so that you have new ones every season
-Ability to upgrade your training grounds and facilities meaning players would grow faster in overall
-In order for you to sign a good player you need to attract him with probably UCL or UEL football or trophies you won and if a certain player wants UCL football and you only have
UEL football you’ll need to pay him more to get him making signing players like Mbappe or young gems harder in RTGs
-Financial fair play
-Sponsor deals that you can appku in your new created shirts that I talked about above
-Playing attractive/possession based/pressing
style of play as your objective rather than tasks like “Increase season ticket sales in 3 seasons by 50%”
End Of Thread
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