The Ultimate thread on Must-Watch Stock Market Movies and Documentaries:

1) Boiler Room (2000):
Focused on the lowest of the low, Pump, and Dump scheme operators, this film is excellent and gives an insight into the operations that are still around today.
2)The Wolf of Wall Street:
Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption, and the federal government.
3) Inside Job (2011):
Award-winning documentary and the best movie on the financial crisis made with high profile interviewees and a fast-paced gripping narration by Matt Damon, this film really explains what happened leading up to the financial crisis.
4) Wall Street (1987):
The story revolves around Gordon Gekko, a rich and ruthless corporate raider and Bud Fox, a junior stockbroker. It narrates the rise and fall of both characters who use insider information to make their fortune.
5) The Big Short (2015):
A great true story involving the few men who bet against the investment banks going into the 2007 financial crisis.
6) Gafla (2006):
Labeled by many as a movie ahead of its time, Gafla tells the story of Subodh Mehta, a character loosely based on Harshad Mehta, called the Big Bull of Dalal Street in the early 1990s. Mehta was the kingpin of the Rs 4,025 crore securities scam of 1992.
7) Margin Call (2011) :
Set in the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis, the story wraps events over 36 hours at a large Wall Street investment bank. It narrates the efforts by the doomed bank’s employees as they try in vain to avert the impending collapse.
8) Floored (2009) –
It follows alpha male traders who tell it like it is, or at least how it was. The march of technology has made floor trading largely extinct, with most trades happening electronically now.
9) Arbitrage (2012):
This movie does focus on a Hedge Fund Manager trying to cover up his personal misdeeds. The focus is not on hedge fund management but on a scum bag rich guy trying to get out of a crime he committed in typical Hollywood style.
10)Too Big to Fail (2011) –
This film based on the book with the same name, is critical of Wall Street and the governments that are “supposed” to regulate it.
11)The Trillion Dollar Bet (2000) :
It is a documentary film that revolves around the rise and fall of hedge fund long term capital management in the time period of 1994-1998.
12)Enron: The Smartest Guy in the Room (2005):
The movie revolves around the collapse of Houston energy and Commodities Company, which shut down after causing one of the biggest accounting frauds in history.
13)Quants: the Alchemist of Wall Street :
The movie is an independent documentary about the role of a Quant and how he functions. The effects of greed and fear are closely described in this movie.
14)Rogue Trader (1999) :
The movie depicts the depth of emotional aspects of trading and there is a lot to learn from it. The Rogue Trader shows how the desire to earn more money and fear of losing it blurs your judgment of the situations and people.
15)Becoming Warren Buffett (2017):
The legendary investor started out as an ambitious, numbers-obsessed boy from Nebraska and ended up becoming one of the richest and most respected men in the world.
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