Buckle up ladies and gentlemen. Today I completely debunk the claims of BLM and various so called "civil rights activist".

I feel I even as a small account need to prove how nonsensical and diluted the movement is as a whole. The thread will be long but very worth it.

The biggest argument is that the police of America are racist. Which factually is the furthest thing you can get from the truth.

In 2019 there were 9 unarmed black men killed by police. There were also 16 unarmed white men killed.

The fact used to sway attention away from that point is that whites account for 72% of the U.S. population, and blacks account for 13%.

What's not acknowledged is that of the 13% black pop. its around 3% of it that commits 50% of the nations crimes.

Such crimes are murder, robbery, burglary, homicide, grand theft auto, and assault.

So that completely make the population difference irrelevant.

Blacks are more likely to commit crimes and that's a fact. No arguing against it.

As for cops. This goes to show and prove...

that cops almost all the time are justified in their use of force. It's not great when someones life is taken, but there's almost all ways a reason behind it.

To add onto this there was a study by a black man who wanted to prove white cops are more likely to shoot blacks.

The study ended up giving him "the most shocking results" he'd ever seen. It instead showed cops were less likely to fire upon black suspects and more likely to fire upon whites. It also proved there was little to no racial bias in the judicial system.

Another study also showed cops are 18× more likely to be killed by a black man than they'd be likely to kill the same black man
Also important to add is that blacks are more likely to be killed by being struck by lightening, accidentally drowning, and black on black violence
There's also studies that prove most blacks don't report being "harassed", or "mistreated" by police officers.

The argument blacks are targeted by police is simply false. It gets even more debunked when you consider the amount of black officers and black police chiefs.

They also say blacks are systematically held down because they're a minority group. Once again it's completely false.

America's had affirmative action since the 1970s which has lowered requirements for blacks to be entered into college.

And made it harder for whites and asians.

There's been various bills passed in the name of civil rights. Blacks have had the spotlight for generations when it comes to racial talk. Yet apparently they're still oppressed.
Once again studies have shown there's no racial judicial bias, and no police violence.

The president isn't racist either.
Trumps spoken and worked with various black community leaders, hispanic community leaders, etc. He's funded historically black colleges...

Passed the First Step Act, raised black income by 2.6%, lowered the black unemployment rate from over 7% to 5.6%, lowered the black poverty rate, etc..

He's probably the least racist president America's ever had. In fact America's one of the least racist nations to exist

The idea that America is inherently racist is untrue. That thinking completely ignores the horrible acts committed by the Spanish, African tribes, Muslims, and even Native Americans.

Whites just happen to be the majority of the population. Same as...

The Chinese in China, Africans in the continent of Africa, and Mexicans in Mexico. It's a little something called demographics.

America was actually built of of freedom, independence, and unity.

We united for freedom and independence in the Revolutionary War...

And won it resulting in the creation of a new nation.
A nation who's had the biggest and most righteous mission statement "All men are created equal"

That is not a country founded upon purely racism and slavery.
Just read the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence
There's been slavery.
Which we fought civil war and in the process eradicated it.

Blacks and minorities were held down.
It didn't stop Asians from becoming the most successful group in America. It also didn't stop blacks from becoming successful (even pre Jim Crow laws).

It didn't stop blacks from going from a majority of illiterates to a majority literate in a historic amount of time, or from one becoming the president.

I think I've over all proved my point. Blacks aren't oppressed and BLM is full of shit.

How you ask?

Well BLM is basically a Trojan horse. They mask their true political intentions under "racial equality".

The movements already questionable when their leaders refused to call out the riots. The riots which have lect more blacks hurt and dead.
Hurt as in businesses destroyed an ransacked, as well as literal people physically hurt.

Therefore it can be attested to that BLM causes more pain to blacks than they've ever healed.

Their leaders have also supported dictators and said they are "trained marxist".

They've also collected billions in dollars. None of which goes to black community's or business, and almost all of which goes to the DNC and various Democrat politicians.

Their list of demands also want to dismantle the nuclear family household, change the economic system...

And promote other various radical changes.

So once again they're a pure Trojan horse movement. Don't be confused.

They don't acknowledge real black problems like the 77% of the black pop. growing up in fatherless homes.
Without a biological father in the household...

Youths are more likely to live in poverty, commit crimes, drop out of school, etc.

What causes it? The answer is Government programs.

Programs like welfare give incentives for mothers to practicality marry the government.

It gives benefits to single mothers with children.

Well I think I've spouted enough info at you (if anyone's read actually this).

Just know BLM is an organization built off of lies, hatred, and misinformation.
Don't trust the MSM (They skew every police incident out of context).

Facts bring change. Meaningful changes.
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