Today it´s 20 years since I started my gastroenterology fellowship at @DHgua @GVAsalualicante @GVAsanitat
Please, find in this #UEGambassador @twitter thread what I have learned throughout these years about being a physician @my_ueg
There are only 2 golden rules:
1. The patient is the center of everything, take all decisions based on that: on a shift, when deciding if a patient should be transferred for an urgent procedure...
Do not hesitate to ask for help to other colleagues and specialties
2nd golden rule: the treatment for lack of experience is to acquire experience. Diagnosing and treating pts, endoscopy, research, to give a talk, to write a paper... they are difficult at the beginning, but you´ll learn to deal with everything through exposure and hard working
Find a Mentor or Mentors to help you to develop your clinical and/or research skills
Instead of studying your specialty from a book from page 1 to page 1,000, search for updated information about the cases you are currently managing
Everybody makes mistakes, resilience is the key: learn from your failures and do not spend much time crying and blaming yourself
1. What circumstances lead you to make the mistake?
2. What can you do to avoid similar mistakes in the future?
Don't think that your specialty or field is better than the other ones, multidisciplinary teams are the best way to manage the patient, excessive pride leads to isolation, bad for the patient
Complex cases must be commented personally with colleagues from other specialties, the patient will benefit a direct conversation with the radiologist, endoscopist, surgeon,oncologist,pathologist.. Details that are not relevant for you can be important for having right decisions
Our colleagues from the Emergency Room are very important. They work hard and sometimes they are not acknowledged properly, good communication with them is good for everybody
Surgeons are frequently exposed to difficult decisions in the operating theatre, sometimes we judge them when they decide not to operate, #respect their job and work with them as a team, a good relationship will directly benefit the patient
If you intend to comment a patient with another medical specialty,try to predict the details that the specialist will want to know from his/her point of view,i.e.for a surgeon its important the comorbidity,if the stomach is empty,drugs like anticoagulants,previous interventions..
Nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals are as important as you, you must respect and acknowledge their work. Nurses are in constant contact with the patients and their relatives so the information they provide is pure gold
Our duty is not only to diagnose and treat patients, we have to ensure that the patient is informed about the current situation of the illness, and the prognosis. Don't hide a bad diagnosis (this is frequent in Spain), the patient has the right to know the prognosis
Share your experience: teach, show, be patient with the unexperienced, you were one of them in the past!
Do not compare yourself with your colleagues, you are not better or worse, we usually have important cognitive bias involving this, just learn from them, be inspired by their achievements, try to avoid their mistakes
If you treat your colleagues well, your work environment will be nice. Most quarrels are due to our need to be considered good professionals and good people (need for professional or social reaffirmation), do not magnify constructive complaints about you from your colleagues
And finally, the less important advice, retweet the first tweet of this thread and follow me!
You can follow @DeMadaria.
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