I am talking to famous people on GPT3.

Here's what they're saying.

(a short thread)
1/ Asked @RichardDawkins on GPT3 to explain the central idea of his book "The Selfish Gene".

Here's what it said.

(Everything after Dear Paras is GPT3).
Wrote to @paulg on GPT3 to guide me on starting a startup.

Here's what it said.
Asked Stephen Hawking what happens beyond the event horizon of a black hole.
Asked Picasso how to become an artist
Asked @tomhanks about his favorite role so far.
@sia_steel asked Frida Kahlo about her garden.
Let me know if you want me to talk to someone else (and what should I ask them).
I asked GPT3 the meaning of life according to famous personalities and philosophers.
I like what it thinks I would say the meaning of life is.

It's 100% bang on :)
Asked it to classify Wingify, Swiggy and Reliance into a category (rest of the companies were examples fed into it)
Asked it to summarize the myth of Sisyphus.
Asked it to suggest blog post ideas.

The top 4 are real (mine). Rest it generated.

I have actually written "What matters in life", so it is pretty bang on: https://invertedpassion.com/what-matters-in-life-and-what-doesnt/
You can follow @paraschopra.
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