There are certain things you might only ponder about but will never understand.

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Since the 1980s, there has been a lot of debate regarding the origin of HIV and many theories have been formulated. Many people suggest that HIV/Aids originated from Africa, but, is it really true? Some believe that the disease was manufactured in a laboratory by scientists
That the HIV virus is man-made! As if this weren’t enough, conspiracy theorists also believe that the cure for HIV/AIDS has been found. But hasn’t it been shared to the world? Why are they afraid of? Or are they using the HIV/AIDS disease as a weapon?
NEW WORLD ORDER . Could this be one of the biggest secrets of the world?

The number one position in this list of 10 secrets of the world is led by the New World Order. But more than being part of the best kept secrets of the world, it’s just a conspiracy theory.
This affirms the existence of powerful elite that conspire to rule the world through a totalitarian world government; likewise, that all events that are perceived significant in the world are connected under the control of these elite.
There are many theories about who are the members of this conspiracy; but they all point to the great capitalist elite, the Illuminati, the Catholic Church, politicians, governments, and even the extraterrestrials. Could this be possible?
Who was Jack the Ripper?

Jack was a serial killer who committed several crimes in 1888, mainly in Whitechapel, London, as well as in the poor neighborhoods around. His identity continues to be a mystery to the police, so he’s part of these top 10 of secrets of the world.
Arsenic in Napoleon’s Hair: Was he poisoned?

Another of the great secrets of the world: Napoleon could die poisoned? As we all know, Napoleon was banished by the British to the island of St. Helena on July 15, 1815. There he was sick to the stomach and suffered from a pain
so the doctors diagnosed him with a possible stomach cancer. However, recent analyzes of samples of the general’s hair, cut that have been preserved, reveal that they were impregnated with arsenic in a highly dangerous dose. This suggests that Napoleon could die from a poisoning
Coca-Cola Formula

This could be one of the best kept secrets of the world. Undoubtedly, Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink, and even one of the best-selling beverages. However, the drink conceals a great mystery because no one knows for sure what it is made of.
Its exact formula has been strongly protected and although it has been more than a century since its appearance, still today the ingredients used in its elaboration remain one of the greatest secrets of the world in marketing.
There is a legend that says that only the two founders know the recipe; even so, fanatics have proposed many of them, but the Coca-Cola company always denies their accuracy and evaluates them as incorrect.
Vatican Secret Archives: one of the great secrets of the world protected by the Catholic Church

This could be one of the most protected secrets of the world, by the Catholic Church. The Vatican Secret Archives is the central repository of the Holy See located in Vatican City
It’s said to be one of the most important historical research centers in the world, that the archives complete about 50 km of shelves consisting of more than 150,000 documents covering up to eight hundred years of history.
However, the secrecy with which the archives are sheltered, as well as the extreme supervision with which the documents are taken care of, make many people think that the Vatican Archives conceal more than simple records and historical papers, which hide valuable information,
How were the pyramids built?

The pyramid construction techniques rather than being one of the best kept secrets of the world, is just a mystery. This is a subject that has brought debates to historians, archaeologists and members of the scientific community.
The men of Ancient Egypt built them more than 4,500 years ago, in the middle of the desert and with tools that today would be useless. One theory appears behind another, the next one disassembles the previous, so on. But this issue remains a mystery.
KFC Recipe

Ever wondered what recipe KFC uses while preparing its meals? Well, stop wondering, you will never know. The recipe is a top world secret that the company has managed to keep undisclosed ever since it was set up.
The secret recipe was made by Herland Sanders in 1930 at Kentucky. His famous chicken dish which he sold to the residents in North Cabin, was so delicious such that everyone talked about it. With this success, Mr. Sanders’s business grew so rapidly that he had to form a chain of
restaurants across the world. Today, KFC is among the biggest restaurants in the world. Perhaps, this can be attributed to its secret recipe that has remained a mystery to the public. The recipe is secretly kept at the headquarters of the company and is highly guarded.
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