#SinglesMeeting Thread!!!

A serious man looks out for a serious woman to settle with.
Sex, fine looks and money all act as a compliment, many beautiful ladies are living unhappily in relationships, others can't keep a man.
Let's look beyond and see what really men what!!!!...👇
1. Acceptance - men love being taken in the way they're as well be motivated to move from situation to a better one

2. Connection and attachment- it involves communication and sense of belonging for one to have pride in each other to stand confidently and say that's my woman.
3. Let them live their lives/space- Men also need to time to enjoy n do what gives extra happiness for example sports, hang out with friends yet some women want to influence and stop their men from living their life.

4. Trust/Loyalty and Honesty- Give ur man the confidence..
to trust and be loyal. Speak up to him if anything isn't right and ignore the "never mind or its okay" phrase

5. Intimate connections- Its just about romance but also how u connect with your partner. Create that feeling that he misses whenever he's away from you with the fact..
that we all can get romance from anyone but not the same way

6. Respect- Men need the feeling to be powerful and superior not interms of command but interms of having mutual control to influence, guide and lean on as well as confidence while with him in public
7. Security- can you defend ur man when someone raises up against him, does ur man feel secure when ur away from him and ur with male friends or work mates?

8. Growth, responsibility and independent women- Men are naturally meant to support n give their women but as woman...
there are some things you can do for urself without asking from ur man, you can as well as buy something home and not wait for ur him, suggest developmental ideas.

9. Emotional intelligence- Men hate emeotional women with mood swings without a strong reason as to why.
10. COMMUNICATION- this is the driver for all the rest if the traits to happens and it recquires honesty and openess to whatever is happening btn and around you

11. Low expectations- men don't like women who are to expectant of them for its makes them uncomfortable with pressure
to prove themselves with unrealistic demands

12. Peace and harmony- this revolves around emotions, misunderstandings, and interests, have healthy arguements. Misunderstandings happen but how often?

13. Encouragement and support- Even when things are smooth, still push ur man..
and embrace him, supoort him any way u can

14. Don't leave ur man behind- you may have better opportunities than him but try as much as u can to set him to ur level or even above you. Grow and develop together

15. Let your man be a hero no matter how the issue may be hard or...
or complicated.

16. Don't be a boring woman- create fun, play games, keep ur man in demand but for long, do some teasing, do surprises

17. Last but not least, Respect yourself as a lady, know what to do, when and where. Have respect for his friends and family, dress descently.
18. Lastly Fear God in respect to your religion. A woman who fears the Lord is honest, peaceful, wise, empathetic and has dignity for her man and herself.

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